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eonmunity where the children play together and where the neighbors help each other out. <br /> She did not purchase her property with the idea that condo m* iurns would be developed <br /> behind her property. She stated that originally Simons Road was subdivided to become a <br /> part of the Cranberry Ridge community. She urged the Planning Board to "keep it as <br /> houses; we don't want condos'. <br /> There being no further public comment Attorney McElhinney spoke to the <br /> opposition of condominium vs.-hone. He provided pictures of existing condominiums <br /> on the property noting their design and-landscaping. He-feels that the construction of <br /> additional condominiums will not be a detriment to the neighborhood and will not he that <br /> different from homes. <br /> The Town Planner clarified that the lots,along Simons Road-are not grandfathered <br /> and the construction of only two houses would be allowed on the four existing lots where <br /> the five condominium buildings are being proposed. <br /> Mr. Eddy spoke to the existing lots and proposed units stating the proposed plan <br /> shows 1 2-two unit structures which is two additional.structures from the permitted 1 - <br /> single family hones. He noted the proposed units are a duplex style each with their own <br /> garage; there is a townhouse style unit with'multiple floors. These structures will not be <br /> that different from the single family homes. <br /> Mr. Eddy informed the Board that communications began one year ago with the <br /> abutters while all of the residents were here during the months of August, September, and <br /> October. National Heritage remapped the area in October, at which point the Applicant <br /> began working with-them in order to deter f ne the 'impacts and work through their <br /> process. He Mated that work has been done to redesign the plans and that every effort has <br /> been made for open communication with the abutters. <br /> Scott ) rvis—Noted that even though the number of buildings might be the same, <br /> the traffic impacts from -condominiums on Simons Road is that basis for his concern <br /> and opposition as it will drastically increase the amount of traffic on the road and pass by <br /> his house to Sampsons Mill load, which is,a safety concern. <br /> Mr. Eddy made reference to the traffic study provided by the Applicant, stating <br /> that 5 %of the traffic from the proposed 4 -units will use Willowbend Dn*ve to <br /> Qainaquisset; 25% will use Simons Road to Sa ps n hill; and 25% will use <br /> W i llowbend give to Sampsons Mill ll Road. During peak hour' six trips will exit Simons <br /> Road in the morning, with three trips exiting in the a ernoon eve ing. He also explained <br /> that adjustment factors provided by the Cape Cod Commission were used to adjust the <br /> trip count to the peak season and have been incorporated into the traffic study. <br /> Philomena l iastropola, 27 Cranberry Ridge road —Mated her opposition to the <br /> development of condominium units-directly behind her property. <br /> 6 <br />