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Mr. Storrs also stated.that he feels the independent retai l is the most sustainable as <br /> it is not as impacted by the-economic decline. He suggested that sometimes when the <br /> economy quiets down-it-creates an-opporturfity for long-range planning which can be <br /> accomplished by the proposed Development Agreement during the next twelve years. He <br /> expects to be able to begin development within the next two years which will allow for <br /> completion ofthe pe ii ting, design,,financing .rid construction processes. He <br /> mentioned that the construction of smaller buildings tend to benefit the community <br /> because local trade people can be hired for the construction. Not only does this provide <br /> jobs, but also allows for spending thin the community. <br /> (At this point the Chairman welcomed and introduced the newest member of the <br /> Planning Board, Al wic el, who arrived at 6:13 p.m. <br /> Mary waygan asked if the Applicant intends to provide a Market Analysis; to <br /> which Mr. Storrs responded, "Very much soy'. He informed the Board of the number of <br /> people who have expressed the desire to live within Mashpee Commons, within the <br /> center of their community. He feels this is the very best market-analysis, to have an <br /> activie list of-people who are interested and want to participate in the plan. <br /> In response to a question posed by Dennis Bal arini regarding wastewater <br /> treatment, fir..,Storrs made reference to as aspect of Massachusetts law, "Common Law <br /> Condominiums" which is,a condominium form of ownership. <br /> Mr. Storrs commented that it would never be appropriate for growth in this area to <br /> use scptic system. <br /> The Town Planner suggested that this nn'ght be the time to begin serious- <br /> discussions bet ecn the Town and l iashpee Commons regarding the issue of wastewater <br /> treatment. <br /> Bennis Balrini then inquired of the Cape Cod Commission representative about <br /> the anticipated generation of taxes/costs and the maintenance of roads within the <br /> infrastructure. He also inquired as to the required buffer zones on route 28, Steeple <br /> Street, and Great Neck Road South. <br /> Phil l a ombe.responded that this level of detail will be determined when a <br /> formal, legal application for a Development Agreement is filed with the Cape Cod <br /> Commission and a sub-committee is formed. To date any discussion at the Commission <br /> level has been done in general terms. He also stated that the Conunission is a regional <br /> agency and does not determine a lot of the detail with reference to road maintenance, etc. <br /> Mr. Storrs remm' ded the Board that it had been agreed to begin i n. rural <br /> discussion in order to identify issues and address as many as possible prior to entering <br /> into a formal agreement. Those issues that are unable to be addressed would become part <br /> of the scope of the formal Development Agreement prior to signature (Town f liashpee, <br /> Cape Cod Commission, and Applicant). <br /> 2 <br />