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03/18/2009 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/18/2009 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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The proposed development is for a regional community based artisan market. <br /> This is a novel idea as none exists in the area; however they have proved to be extremely <br /> successful in other areas of the country as they provide venues for various types of <br /> artisans. <br /> Attorney Mills provided copies of" ashpee Artisans Showroom— Purveyors" in <br /> order to demonstrate the type of artisans under consideration. He then shared the vision <br /> Statement—"To provide a community based showroom where Cape based artisans and <br /> craftsmen can gather to exhibit and sell their works in an indoor, family envirorument to <br /> be enjoyed by Cape residents and tourist both young and old. ' <br /> Attorney Mills stated that the proposed attraction is needed on the Cape as it does <br /> not currently exist. This is an appropriate venue to host an indoor opportunity f r the <br /> performance ofcrafters and artisans. This would provide an opportunity for Mashpee <br /> and Cape Cod crafters a new environment for marketing and selling their unique products <br /> in an indoor, year-round building. <br /> Attorney llriills then made reference to a plan showing the existing vacant <br /> building, referring to it as a`beautiful grade-A commercial facility". The centerpiece <br /> will provide a cultural hall for use as a meeting gathering space with comfortable tables <br /> and chairs. Light catered food may be available, four large scale bathrooms are being <br /> proposed. <br /> There was brief.`discussion regarding handicap access to the buildings restrooms. <br /> Where are fifteen entrances into the building with loading access in the back. There will <br /> be a main entrance with a canopy and another primary entrance located at the cultural <br /> hall. The purveyors will be able to load from the back entrances (small items such a <br /> antiques, etc.). Internet sales and shipping will be provided for consumer convenience. <br /> There will be a stage area located within the curl hall which can be used for <br /> demonstration and auction purposes. Where are also small office and conference room <br /> space, as well as restroorn areas. Booths will line the walls, approximately to a depth of <br /> 20-R. and 10 x. 1 -ft. booths along the central quarter, with wide isle space, all focusing <br /> on the cultural hall. Mashpee, Cape Cod, and Dative- mericarn heritages will be <br /> showcased,, as well as our cranberry cultivation. <br /> There was brief discussion regarding possible food concessions. There is to be no <br /> live cooking on the premises,perhaps a dry-food booth where the food has been prepared <br /> off sight for the convenience of the shoppers and artisans as well. <br /> There are 1 9-parking stalls currently on site, with room for additional striping i <br /> necessary. <br /> The Town Planner suggested the actual uses are alloyed under the Special Permit <br /> for the proposed project b better determined. Trip generation should also be reviewed in <br /> order to determine whether more than 1200 trips per day is anticipated. The Planning <br /> 2 <br />
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