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The Chairman recognized_I ob Micelli, who provided copies f abrochure <br /> entitled, "Mass Bike— Better Bicycling-for Massachusetts" for Planning Board review. <br /> Mr. Micelli addressed the Planr ing Board and spoke to the issues of tr ficin <br /> Mashpee, noting that bicycling is a extremely efficient means of transportation and has <br /> the potential to solve a number of traffic concerns. <br /> Mr. Micelli informed the Board that he commutes, by bicycle, through the <br /> Mashpee Rotary and Quinaquisset. He stated that he rides very gingerly and carefully <br /> along the Cape Cod berm along Route 28. <br /> Mr. Micelli made reference to "the missing link" from the end of the rail trail in <br /> Falmouth on secondary roads that would connect through Mashpee to Quinaquisset,, into <br /> Barnstable, with a connection to Route 149. He envisions over a period of ten-years, an <br /> off and on-road route from Wareham to Provincetown,-which prospect is extremely <br /> exciting to cyclists and which would prove to be cleaner and healthier for the <br /> environment. <br /> The Town Planner informed the Board that fir. Micelli was on the Bicycle <br /> Conunittee fur the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Mr. Micelli.stated that Mashpee has done a fabulous job in accommodating <br /> alternative transportation; but that the Falmouth Bikeway Committee is the model and <br /> second to none in Southeastern Massachusetts. <br /> Mr. Micelli stated he has worked with Bicycle Advocacy and bias Highway <br /> Department, as well as with the Governor for the Mate Bicycle Transportation Pedestrian <br /> Advisory Board. He stated that travel is extremely safe on secondary roads and that it i.s <br /> a myth that people are afraid to be on the roadway With ears. Mass Bike provides <br /> education regarding bicyclist responsibilities and will provide a public service <br /> announcement in the Cape Cod Times in April with,reference to the new lave explaining <br /> bicyclists- and motorist responsibilities on the road. <br /> The Town Planner noted the issue of concern is the creation of a bike path area <br /> that would enable bicyclists to get through the Mashpee Commons-area. Currently there <br /> exists a few bike paths that end at Mashpee Comrnons, however there is no safe bike <br /> mute to the Rotary and other points within the town. <br /> The Town Planner suggested the Board consider this matter at this point in time <br /> as Mashpee Commons is in the process of developing designing the Trout Pond portion <br /> of their project, as this would also benefit the residents of Mashpee Commons. <br /> Mr. Micelli mentioned that Mashpee Commons has proposed the development of <br /> a bicycle corral, in order to afford a secure area for bicyclist to leave their bikes. <br /> 4 <br />