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08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
Town Clerk
08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />MINUTES <br />Referencing a plot plan prepared by BSS Design Engineering and Surveying, titled; Plot <br />Plan — Proposed House and existing S.S.D.S. at 124 Summersea Road, Mashpee, MA <br />prepared for Paul Trane, scale 1" = 20', dated July 8, 2014, drawn TJB, job number 14117, <br />no revisions. Title Existing and Proposed, drawing number B22-53. Also making the <br />motion, the Board finds that the dwelling is not substantially more detrimental than the <br />existing non -conforming structure. The new dwelling will be an improvement and conform <br />to current building code requirements, is compatible in size and character to other <br />structures in the neighborhood and there is sufficient parking and setbacks as may be <br />required. <br />Mr. Jodka, seconded, yes, Mr. Furbush, yes, Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. Goldstein, yes, and <br />Mr. DeBarros, yes. All were in favor. <br />Mashpee Commons, LP: Request minor modifications under Special Permit SP -86-04- <br />024 to address actual built conditions, relocate certain square footage of building space and <br />location of parking areas, and previously approved residential units as permitted on <br />property located in a C-1 Zoning District, at 38 Nathan Ellis Highway, Building 3, (Map <br />74 Parcel 20), Mashpee, MA. <br />Mr. Tom Feronti, representing Mashpee Commons requesting a minor modification to the <br />Special Permit to address some changes proposed to Building 3 which is Asia Restaurant. <br />• The plan is to provide an addition on the building adding 250 square feet to the foot print <br />of the building and adding 13 seats inside. <br />The additional square footage is reallocated from other future buildings, and will be within <br />the total square footage amount permitted under the special permit. The additional square <br />footage does increase the parking demand by one space, which still leaves an excess of 67 <br />spaces when factoring in supply versus demand. <br />The additional seats increase the waste water component, but with the new waste water <br />treatment facility, there's almost 110,000 gallons of excess capacity in the treatment plant. <br />He stated he went in front of Design Review back in February and the project was divided <br />into two phases. The first phase was done in the spring which encompassed only <br />modifications to the store front. Phase 2 of the project is the added outdoor dining on North <br />Street which is more intensive for the tenant because of the proposed relocations to the <br />bathrooms to outside. The North Street outdoor dining is not being used because the tenant <br />is still amending his liquor license to account for the outdoor dining. At this point, the <br />tenant will wait for approval for the outdoor dining and the additional seating. There's 56 <br />exterior seats. The 13 interior seats are calculated for the waste water. The parking is based <br />on square footage as opposed to the number of seats, and is within the requirement of the <br />Special Permit. The parking requirement for restaurants is four spaces per thousand square <br />feet. There are two handicapped parking spaces in front of CVS, directly in front of the <br />restaurant, three behind buildings on North Street, and within walking distance with ramps <br />• in cross walks. <br />7 <br />
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