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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />• MINUTES <br />Mr. Furbush stated he has questions since the meeting back in February. He wanted <br />clarification on the outdoor dining in the back area of the restaurant. Mr. Feronti stated the <br />inside seating changed from 16 to 13. The original plan was to remove a parking space for <br />the outdoor dining, but realized there was an issue to relocate the handicapped space. There <br />is still a parking space and a 5 foot path for travel. He stated the sprinkler system was <br />installed but had issues with passing the chlorination test, so it's not functioning and will <br />turn on the system when the water is sufficient to retest. There are no plans to have outdoor <br />music. There are now egress doors and gates for the outdoor dining to satisfy the request <br />from the Fire Department. There will be a separate building application for Phase 2 that <br />will address the egress and level of alteration. There are air curtains installed at the doors, <br />and at the new door on North Street. Air curtains prevent bugs by pushing down air from <br />entering the space and is required by the Board of Health. <br />The new curb cut and handicapped ramp and cross walk that will cross the truck court. <br />They relocated the Fire Department connection which was originally in the rear of the <br />building but moved it to Greene Street, so the Fire Department can access the connection <br />and was done during the Phase 1 renovations. There is 18 feet of clear space without <br />impacting the parking spaces along Greene Street. The sprinkler room is in the basement <br />of the restaurant and piped up to an exterior Fire Department connection and located on <br />the southeast corner of the building and satisfied by the Fire Department. There is no <br />parking allowed in the truck court and will notify security of this issue. <br />• Tom stated he adjusted the fence to accommodate the required 5 feet of path and was <br />included with the permit application for the Phase 1 alterations. <br />• <br />Mr. Furbush read an email comment from Deputy Jack Phelan into the record; "I've <br />attached a copy of the plan with some notations. I have one issue and several concerns <br />with the proposal and the current configuration. <br />Issue: There is not a gate or Fire Department access shown for the new FD Sprinkler <br />connection on Greene St. <br />Concerns: Secondary means of egress to the Exit discharge from outdoor courtyard not <br />shown. Currently the proposed courtyard is the secondary exit discharge for the <br />restaurant. Current outdoor area on North St narrows pedestrian traffic from ]Oft. to 4 <br />ft. from the barrier to the existing light post and handicapped parking sign. (See <br />diagram). If a vehicle is parked in the adjacent space, there is very little room to get by <br />barrier." <br />Mr. Feronti stated he will make sure the sprinkler connection is added to the permitted set <br />of plans will make adjustments to move the light post if required. <br />I <br />