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08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
Town Clerk
08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />• MINUTES <br />Mr. Furbush wanted clarification stated by Glen Harrington regarding covering of the <br />outdoor seating and will need to amend their permit. <br />Tom stated that the restaurant tenant worked with Board of Health and had multiple <br />inspections that satisfied their requirements. <br />Mr. Mendoza wanted to know the occupancy load. Mr. Feronti stated there are currently <br />100 seats inside and have not increased the amount. The building did not have a sprinkler <br />system, but will be functioning as soon as passing the chlorination test. <br />Mr. Reiffarth thought there were additional seats added along the bar area and should be <br />verified. Mr. Feronti will confirm this concern and will revise the plans prior to applying <br />for the permit. The revised liquor license is the tenant's responsibility. <br />Mr. Furbush stated that he and Bill Blaisdell, and Mike Mendoza met with Town Counsel <br />and reviewed the plans and thought this might be a major modification because of the <br />addition of the back of the building. Town Counsel suggested to review the renovations <br />with an onsite meeting with representatives from the Fire Department, and two Zoning <br />Board members and the Building Commissioner. The Board confirmed a site meeting for <br />Tuesday, September 2, 2014 to visit the site. <br />• A letter was requested by the Board from Mashpee Commons stating they accept the <br />continuance until the next available hearing. <br />0 <br />Mr. Blaisdell made a motion to continue Mashpee Commons Building 3 (Asia Restaurant) <br />until September 10, 2014. Mr. Furbush seconded, yes, Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. Jodka, yes, <br />Mr. DeBarros, yes. All were in favor. <br />Cotuit Solar: Request a Variance under §174-31 (Land Space Requirements) of the <br />Zoning By-laws and M.G. L. Chapter 40A §10 for relief from the front, rear and side <br />setback requirements of a residential. structure located in a C2 Zone at 36 Savannas Path, <br />(Map 62 Parcel 68B), Mashpee, MA. <br />Cotuit Solar: Request a Special Permit under §174-24, §174-25 D (1) and §174-41F for <br />redevelopment of a residential structure for office use along with construction of a solar <br />warehouse facility to store supplies, and meet the adequate parking requirements for the <br />business located in a C2 Zone at 36 Savannas Path, (Map 62 Parcel 68B), Mashpee, MA. <br />Mr. Conrad Geyser representing himself for the subject property. He stated the residential <br />property was rezoned commercial in 2010 and purchased the property in 2012 to convert <br />the house to an office, adding a solar pole barn for storage, and warehouse. The plan is to <br />move his energy business to one location. <br />0 <br />
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