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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />• MINUTES <br />Just the existing residential structure will be converted to office use with a high <br />performance building envelope. The work was completed under an existing building <br />permit. All proposed development is occurring within the existing cleared area of the site. <br />To be eligible for the commercial use a road layout was established and recorded. He stated <br />he completed a sub -division modification process with the Mashpee Planning Board and <br />established a 200 foot road frontage extending from Trinity Place. <br />The existing rear access to the site will be maintained through a gate to prevent routine <br />traffic passage from commercial use into the more sensitive residential zone off Sampson <br />Mill. The advantage will provide secondary emergency access for the Fire Department and <br />will have a Knox. Box. All regular commercial traffic will access the main entrance off <br />Route 28. The structure drawing is on page 2 of the plan. There is also a petition for 40 <br />foot frontage setback relief from the Sampson Mill Road. It was determined by Design/Plan <br />Review there is no need for side setback relief. The rear setback relief for the proposed <br />structure is 28 feet and was determined to be a 22 foot relief. The existing house is closer <br />at 24.5 feet from the road. <br />The parking requirements expressed for the sub -division code is (12) twelve spaces shown <br />on the plan. The plan depicts four spaces in front of the existing structure, and an additional <br />eight in the proposed gravel parking area. The office occupancy is approximately five (5) <br />people who currently operate in a small office located in Marstons Mills. A partial waiver <br />• from Section 174-41 is requested for the remote parking spaces to use gravel instead of <br />asphalt. <br />Concerns from neighboring residents have been addressed regarding lighting and the <br />vegetated boarder downward lemurs on the building. The lamp posts are intended to be <br />used intermittently to access parking and will not be on all night. The current vegetated <br />buffer seems to provide 100% visual buffer in the summer, and 90% in the winter when <br />there is no foliage. The landscape plan does provide for a vegetated buffer for the nearest <br />residence that is approximately 330 feet. <br />Mr. Geyser stated he would like to have his 26 year business and 12 employees closer to <br />his home. He currently has a warehouse and office in different locations and would like to <br />have one location. The 8.7% lot coverage and the road from Route 28 is the greatest impact <br />but this has been deemed necessary for commercial access to the property and will not be <br />entering through Sampsons Mill Road. He stated the last year has been spent working on <br />the road and drainage engineering, and getting it recorded. He stated that the use of this <br />property will not negatively impact the area. He said he would need to post a sign to inform <br />the public of the location. <br />Joe Hackler stated the landscape and lighting plan has been updated for the Planning Board. <br />Mr. Geyser stated he understands that the location of the proposed gate on the plan is a <br />• concern and will update the plan if necessary. <br />10 <br />