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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />• MINUTES <br />Mr. Furbush stated the actual updated plan is page 2 as noted by Design/Plan Review. He <br />wanted to know if there is any retail business. Mr. Geyser said; "no". Most customers only <br />visit to do paper work or for consulting purposes. He stated that customer visits are for <br />energy retrofits, integration, and solar thermal work which requires onsite visits at the <br />customer locations. <br />Mr. Furbush wanted to know the how often an office visit is currently in Cotuit and how <br />many vehicles. Mr. Geyser said approximately about 2-3 customers per week, and an <br />occasional sales person. There will be no manufacturing. The pole barn will be used for <br />storage. He stated there will be approximately -two to three truck deliveries every other <br />week. A busy time would be two to three a week. <br />Mr. Furbush asked if these panels can be stacked on top of each other. Mr. Geyser said; <br />"yes". Mr. Furbush asked why the proposed building has to be 50 feet deep rather than 35 <br />or 40. Mr. Geyser said the current building is roughly 35 feet by 50 feet, (1,750 square feet) <br />and is very congested. Mr. Furbush stated the proposed building is 85 feet by 50 <br />(approximately 4,250 square feet), and is twice the size of the current building. Mr. Furbush <br />asked if he can make the building 40 feet longer, and thinner, moving it closer to spot 6 of <br />the parking spaces, and cut it down from 50 to 40, so not encroaching on the wetlands. Mr. <br />Geyser stated that would be a possibility. <br />is <br />Mr. Furbush asked the business hours. Mr. Geyser stated the current hours are 7:00 a.m. to <br />5:00 p.m. and will be the same at the new office. The delivery trucks would return to the <br />office around 3:00 p.m. The office employees work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and there are <br />approximately four employees. No weekend hours. There are two part-time employees. <br />Mr. Furbush thought the parking spaces could be further away from the wetlands and work <br />through a compromise with the neighbors. <br />0 <br />Mr. Goldstein asked if there would be a forklift and operator onsite. Mr. Geyser said; "yes" <br />and would be an order of condition for 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. On occasion 18 wheeler truck <br />that makes deliveries, and the tum -around area was satisfied by the Fire Department. <br />Mr. Mendoza stated there is a permit for a slab, but no mention of an enclosure. He is <br />concerned and did not see the permit onsite as required. He stated that the building code is <br />specific as what is written on the application. Mr. Mendoza asked Mr. Geyser if he plans <br />to put up a sign on Route 28. He quoted the bylaw; "Signs and bill boards advertising <br />products no sold, or services not available on the property are prohibited." Mr. Geyser <br />thought it was a requirement. Mr. Mendoza stated he will work with Mr. Geyser when he <br />is ready. <br />Mr. Furbush read Board of Health comments into the record; "Change from bedrooms to <br />office space is a reduction in flow. Septic inspected and passed. Addition of <br />warehouse/employees still OK with septic." <br />11 <br />