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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />MINUTES <br />Mr. Furbush stated he met with Town Counsel and discussed making a site visit with two <br />Board members, and Michael Mendoza, Building Commissioner. Jonathan mentioned that <br />Mike did review the site and has several concerns. Trying to access the property through <br />the back entrance was difficult; there's no bearing points. The proposal and plan only show <br />one structure and does not match what is on the site, stating there are two structures. <br />Mr. Goldstein asked about the concrete slab next to the septic system on the plan marked <br />to be removed. Mr. Geyser said the existing bulk head entry way was removed and enclosed <br />as part of work being done on the house. It is a separate structure the size of a shed that <br />was pulled off the house. He stated that no work has been done. <br />Mr. Furbush asked Mr. Geyser who the contractor will be for the project. Mr. Geyser said <br />he has his own workers. Mr. Mendoza said; "this is not allowed". Mr. Mendoza said he is <br />working with Mr. Geyser and contacted the State regarding an individual, his license was <br />approved on August 20, 2014. A copy of the letter was mailed and he has not received it <br />and the State will mail him another one. A permit needs to be pulled by a licensed <br />contractor. <br />Nicole Bartlett an abutter approached the Board and stated she and her husband John reside <br />at 28 Sampsons Mill Road. They have owned their property since 1999 and are concerned <br />with Cotuit Solar's request for a Variance and Special Permit. They have strong concerns, <br />• regarding the proposed plan, landscape, traffic volume, and unknown growth and <br />expansion of the business. This is the sixth hearing since last summer regarding this project <br />and she is unsatisfied with Cotuit Solar being unfamiliar with the process. They are not <br />trying to prevent Cotuit Solar from having their business, but trying to raise awareness of <br />the obvious impact to the wetlands surrounding her property. She stated that Cotuit Solar <br />have moved fill, and distributed existing drainage patterns causing issues to her property <br />until they were told to stop. They used heavy equipment to cut down trees, at 6 am and <br />Sundays at 1:00 pm. She stated she has an audio recording. Any permit granted by the <br />Board should restrict hours of operation to normal business hours; 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. She <br />stated the plans submitted by Cotuit Solar are incomplete, not well thought out, and hoping <br />the Board will deny their requests. <br />Mr. Furbush wants the site staked out prior to the visit showing where the barn will be <br />located. The surveyor, A&M Land needs to stake the actual property boundaries. <br />Mr. Geyser stated he will have the corrected plan for the gate and marking the boundary <br />for the next hearing on September 8, 2014. He agreed to a site visit on Friday, September <br />5, 2014. <br />Bill Blaisdell made a motion to continue Cotuit Solar's hearing for their Variance and <br />Special Permit requests until the next scheduled hearings dated September 8, 2014. <br />Mr. Furbush, seconded, yes,Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. Jodka, yes, and Mr. Goldstein, yes. All <br />were in favor. <br />12 <br />