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08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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08/27/2014 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />MINUTES <br />isMashpee Commons LP: Requests approval on a previously discussed minor modification <br />that will add 16 parking places to the 40B project currently under review. The spaces will <br />be configured on the south side of Jobs Fishing Road along the east and west ends of the <br />proposed green. <br />Mr. John Connell represented Mashpee Commons' minor modification of their 40B <br />project. He presented Horsley Witten's overall site plan that depicts the parking, sub- <br />surface drainage, and Phase 1 of the green. He stated without effecting the travel way, they <br />cut into the green to accommodate the 16 parking spaces. They also moved the drainage <br />swale. He met with Charles Rowley who was concerned with Jobs Fishing Road being the <br />by-pass to the rotary, but John stated that by posting a speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour, <br />and with parking on each side of the street will condition people to travel slower. <br />Mr. Furbush asked if Charlie had a problem with the parking spaces on the North side of <br />Jobs Fishing Road. John stated that Charlie only had a problem with the 16 new spaces. <br />Tom Feronti stated by posting a 25 mile per hour sign, the conception of Jobs Fishing <br />Road's by-pass to and from Route 151 and 28 will provide for safer intersections. <br />Tightening up the road with parking spaces and buildings, will help control traffic flow. <br />Mr. Connell stated that Charlie Rowley is satisfied with the engineering design. <br />Mr. Furbush asked if a speed bump could be installed until the build -out. Mr. Connell stated <br />that people tend to speed up at an incline as opposed to going down a hill. <br />Mr. Blasdell made a motion Mashpee Commons' request for approval of a previously <br />discussed minor modification to add 16 parking spaces to the 40B project currently under <br />review. The spaces will be configured on the South Side of Jobs Fishing Road along the <br />East and West ends of the proposed green. Referencing a plan titled Mashpee Commons <br />40B — Phase 1 Development Construction Plans, Mashpee, MA, Overall Site Plan, <br />submitted by Horsley Witten Group, Inc. and BSS Design, dated November 2013, revised <br />12/10/13, 1/7/14, 2/17/14 and 8/12/14. Sheet C7 through C12. <br />Mr. Jodka seconded, yes, Mr. Furbush, yes, Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. Goldstein, yes. All <br />were in favor. <br />Mr. Connell submitted a request from the original comprehensive pen -nit regarding the <br />number of foundations as (four foundations = 5400 square feet to two foundations/footprint <br />= 5,980 square feet). <br />Approve July 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes <br />Mr. Blaisdell made a motion to approve July 23, 2014 meeting minutes. Mr. Furbush <br />seconded, yes, Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. Jodka, yes, Mr. Goldstein, yes, and Mr. DeBarros, <br />Yes. <br />13 <br />
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