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do <br />Request: Modification f special permit ri l n ll issued by the SBA for an expansion that wili <br />cause the building to exceed 10,0 losq. ft.-need to determine if public hearing will he required <br />and to schedule review or herring cute <br />The Chair disclosed that her mother Mary Anne waygan startmi the Falmouth Free Clinic, which has <br />become Community Health Center of Cape Cod, but she does not have any financial interests in the <br />organization nor does she feel she has any conflict of interest in reviewing the request. Karen Gardner, <br />CEO of Community Health Center of Cape Cod, is requesting a modification to the special permit in <br />order to expand the facility 489 square feet to improve flow and efficiency in the dental clinic. <br />grassy area is located outside the dental space. The Chair stated that a decision needed to be made <br />regarding whether a public hearing is required or if a review needed to be scheduled. Mr. Fudala <br />referenced the bylaw section stating that a project under a % expansion doles not require a public <br />hearing unless the Planning Board determines that there, may be substantial impact. -to the abutting <br />property owners. <br />MOTION: Mr.Ma!!in made a motion that it is the Planning o rd's opinion that a public <br />hearing is unnecessary. Mr. BaLearini seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />Mr. Fudala stated that an. ad will be unnecessary since a public hearing is not required and he will <br />provide Mr. Rowley with the plans and rmcommended that a review be scheduled for the next meeting. <br />It was rooted that there were no issues with the Cape Cod Coraunission. The Chair recommended that <br />.the applicant submit documentation from the Colion indicating, that there would be no issues in <br />order to complete the -file. Ms. Gardner also -indicated her intent to submit a letter requesting a reduced <br />filing fee of 100 and design review fee of -100. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to reduce the fling fee and the review fee to 100 each. <br />Mr. Mullin seconded the motion. AH voted unanimously. <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />Douglas Storrs -Review of Mashpee Commons Plans and Development Agreement <br />Mr. Storrs was unable to attend tonight's meeting due to illness. <br />Discussion of Town Consultants for 1 lashpee Commons I A Spe i l Permit review <br />T he Chair noted that a preliminary scope of services had been discussed previously, such a t is and <br />wildlife. Mr. Fudala reported that the land being developed for the project is not in Natural Heritage <br />and open space is proposed off site. The Chair responded that open- space around Trout fond has been <br />requested and would like to confirm with a wildlife expert to confirm whether or not the Trout Pond <br />area is of a higher environmental duality. Other Board members supported a wildlife expert at no cost <br />to the Town and the Chair requested that the list of proposed consultants- be updated with -the addition. <br />Mr. Fudala described the documents provided to Board members to include "'Procuring Outside <br />Consultants with Fees from Applicants," the Massachusetts Association of Consulting Planners, Hiring <br />a Planning' Consultant, the Town of 1ashpee bequest for Qualifications and the bequest for Proposals, <br />Development Impact Analyses for Mashpee Commons. Ir. Fudala spore with Town Counsel and <br />confin ed that there is no formal process required when hiring design services, which are exempt from <br />o , and consultants are retained on an hourly basis. The Chair recommended that Mr. Rowley be <br />given a copy of the list of items requiring review. Mr. Balzarini stated that the list of consultants <br />includes individuals- who have multiple specialties, which could reduce the number of people needing <br />to be hired. Ilex. Mullin questioned who maintains copies of procurement files for 30B and encouraged <br />files to be maintained appropriatel y. Mr. Fudala responded that contracts have typically been exempt <br />from 30B but that the appropriate Board would hold the contract and the Town Accountant would <br />R <br />