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Ih <br /> that he was prepared to sign off on the scope. Mr_Fudala questioned whether Mr. Cannon had been in receipt <br /> of the requested matrix data for the intemaltrip generation information- fir. Cannon responded that although <br /> he had received the information, he had not yet reviewed it and will forward the information to Mr. Fudala. Mr. <br /> . <br /> Fudala reported that fir. Storrs has expressed concern about delays to the traffic study should the Board need t <br /> select a traffic consultant. <br /> Mr. Cannon indicated that the scope of work seemed sfactory and added that he is rmerwmg the information <br /> on behalf of the region with a focus on nqoonaJ roadways, which are most roads except for subdivision roads. <br /> Mr. Cannon confirmed that there are no major flaws but that it would depend upon what the Board is seeking. <br /> Mr. Fudala noted his concern involving the for internal trip generation but stated that he would defer to Mr. <br /> Cannon if he believed the calculations to be acceptable, The Chair expressed c nc n about an overlooked <br /> intersection- <br /> Board members discussed similarities and differences between the t-iic�studies completed forr-Mashpee <br /> Commons over the years. Nor. Cannon suggested the likelihood that the same intersections will be highlighted <br /> in repeat traffic studies. Mr. Petersen asked about the 25 generation figure and Nir. Cannon clarified that <br /> the figure is the threshold for Cape Cod Commission orsidmfio . Mr. Cannon added that the scope of the <br /> traffic study goes beyond the 5 year requirement of the Cape Cod Commission, by offering a 20 year time <br /> frame. Mr. Cannon and Mr. Petersen the trip gen -ation summaries for East Steeple Street and North <br /> Market Street, along with internal trips between the three developments. Mr. Petersen questioned the proposed <br /> 40B neighborhood featuring priory access though Jobs Fishing Road and whether it would have been figured <br /> into the estimate. Mr. Cannon clarified that he will assess outside of the project area for mitigation and that the • <br /> Planning Board will address issues within the development. Mr. Cannon noted that traffic from the 40 <br /> development could be projected if the Board is concerned about the issue. Mr. Fudala questioned whether <br /> intersections should be assessed 20 years out for the total traffic, which presently shows . %growth per year. <br /> Mr. Cannon responded that the study will incline an ent of existing traffic, adding all planned <br /> development on top of the roadway network while consulting with the Cape Cod Commission and the Town <br /> regarding,other development laps in Mas . Mr. Cannon noted that the trip generation tables are used in <br /> p p � <br /> order to calculate-mitigation. The Board discussed the number of inavzLsW trips on Saturdays and peak times. <br /> Mr. Cannon also referenced the potentW for benefits or detriments from the project. Nor. Kooharian inquired <br /> about Nit. Cannon's assessment of the -traffic skuation in the area, citing heavily trafficked areas <br /> particularly in the summer. Mr. Cannon intends to first review the study in order to provide an analyses <br /> regarding existing conditions along with average and peak conditions. fir. I ooharian questioned the possibility <br /> 1 g <br /> f gauging outside traffic traveling from neighboring towns and Mr, Cannon responded that the traffic study <br /> will indicate what is being drawn into Mishpee Commons. Regarding increased population, it was stated that <br /> the . %annual regional increase will be calculated for the study, although Mr. Cannon reported that traffic has <br /> actually decreased over time. <br /> Mr. Balzarinii questioned the availability of mitigation figures and Mr. Cannon responded that following review <br /> of the study, he would be able to provide an exact percentage. Mr. Fudala added that the Cape Cod <br /> Commission utilizes a-formula-to calculate required miti and noted that the. oard can also request other <br /> forms of mitigation such as intersection-improvement . The Chair noted that mitigation funds could be <br /> insufficient to cover the expense of improving an intersection at a later date. Mr. Cannon agreed and stated that <br /> the dollar amount is calculated and then projects are identified with a fair cost to complete the job, and then 4 <br /> considered during negotiations. Mr. Fudala mentioned including the rotary with the traffic study to be <br /> considered for funding in the"TIP." Chairman waygan questioned whether plan come out of the traffic study <br /> and Mr. Fudala responded that the plans will come out of the development agreement. Mr. Balzarini questioned <br /> the State"s ownership of the rotary and Mr. Fudala c nfirnn d that the State would need to be involved with <br /> discussions and should be contacted by phone. Nor. Cannon summarized that the tr-ac study will provide <br /> existing conditions, impact and development and calculate xlate the dollar amount. Plans will be a result of the <br /> decision made by the Cape Cod Commission as well as the speciaJ pewit and development agreement voted on <br />