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Matt noted the five.key points of discussion: 'I drainage calculations for Phase l 11; <br /> 2 calculations for square footage; 3 satisfaction of deed requirement; that "as builts" <br /> plans be sufficient for judgement by Charlie; the modification of the word'"proposed" <br /> on plans. <br /> Stu inquired again about advertisement for a public hearing. He agreed that he needs <br /> to submit modifications. He asked the Planning Board to respond Y February 7'h and <br /> immediately thereafter schedule an inspection. <br /> A Windchime resident mentioned a concern about more surface being covered than <br /> necessary. Matt assured the resident that the Board will make sure that paving falls <br /> within the allowable limits. Torn cited two issues of concern: 1 crowding/number of <br /> buildings; 2 impervious surfaces. <br /> Rosita Lacey mentioned a concern about'landscaping problems with Phase l and <br /> requested that the Board address this. Stu said that winter landscaping always looks <br /> bad and that the Association will need to take care of anything that was done more than <br /> 2-3 years ago. Torn Quinn added that they will take responsibility for replacing any new <br /> plants that died. Mrs. Lacey requested specification for trees and shrubs;-she said that <br /> she knows the difference between a hibernating or-a "dead" plant. Matt said that he <br /> would request.-.a member of the condo association to join in the-inspection, which he <br /> said may be able to be done before-the meeting of February 7 th. <br /> Willowl end., Release of.Covenant, Windy Gate/ Bonnie Blink Dr. <br /> Attorney Robert Mills referred to updated set of plans that were sera to Charlie. He also <br /> reviewed cost estimates. There was a letter from Charlie that was read. Atty. Mills <br /> requested an increase in security. He suggested a stock escrow account to <br /> Fleet Bank. He read from a letter of acknowledgment by Fleet Bank. Toni expressed <br /> concern that the letter wasn't notarized. There was also a concern with a default of <br /> incomplete construction. Atty. Mills then said that he would provide a Pledge Agreement <br /> and that new plans would be provided that would meet updated standards. Torn wanted <br /> specific terms of the plans and questioned the intent. Atty. Mills responded that this was <br /> a precautionary measure taken by the owners. They were hoping for a fare percent <br /> increase in security. Torn suggested an approval amount with a % increase with a <br /> condition that updated plans be submitted to the Board. <br /> Motion made by Beverly to release covenant subject.-to retention of Pledge Agreement <br /> with Fleet Investment Services that would be held in Marketable Securities account in <br /> the amount of no less than $2,126,250; pledged as security for completion of Windy <br /> Gate and Bonnie Blink Cyr. Seconded by Dennis; carried unanimously. <br /> Additionally the Board imposed a tiro-year time limit to complete construction of roads <br /> requiring a submittal of updated set of plans for road rays and utilities. <br />