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y <br /> There was discussion-regarding the perimeter setbacks, buffers, pedestrian <br /> crossings, shopping habits/multiple shopping, walking and driving habits, creating an <br /> urban environment. <br /> Mr. Storrs commented that the whitings and Jobs Neighborhoods-are going to <br /> have a high percentage rate of residential and office use as,opposed to retail use. And <br /> that people who will walk around Mashpee Corons are those who live and work there. <br /> The degree of retail space will decrease'as.-you move away from the heart of Mashpee <br /> Commons as there will be mainly live/work and residential use. The patterns will charge <br /> as the project continues to grow and should be taken into consideration. <br /> Thomas O'Hara agreed that residents-of Jobs Fishing Road would walk to the <br /> interior of Mashpee Commons, however people will not feel safe crossing over the-major <br /> roadways such as Route 11 and Route 28. He also feels here will be-an increase in <br /> traffic not only generated from Mashpee Commons, but from the surrounding towns as <br /> Drell. <br /> Mr. Storrs feels it is important to create a more diverse residential community in <br /> order to provide more opportunities for people (rental opportunities, walk to work and <br /> more affordable situations). <br /> Mr. Storrs intends to provide the following information for the next meeting: <br /> Clarity regarding 2.2 bedroom regulation, development additional blocks, and a <br /> continuation ofare outline for the Development Agreement. <br /> Mr. Storrs informed the Board that he has filed the MESA (Massachusetts <br /> Endangered Species Act) forms. <br /> Thomas D'IHara requested clarification of.the proposed setbacks. <br /> (The Mashpee Commons discussion concluded:at-this point, 7:35 p.m. <br /> The Chairman declared a -minute recess. The October 15, 2008 Planning Board <br /> Meeting was reconvened at 7:45 p.m. <br /> Public Hearing <br /> Mashpee 130 Shoppes, Inc. <br /> o Main Street-Special Permit Development/Redevelopment o <br /> Retail and Office buildings in C-3 Zoning District <br /> The appointed hour having arrived the Chairman read the Public Hearing nonce <br /> into the record and called the Public Dearing to order. <br /> Associate Member, Mary wa rgan, recused herself from the Public Hearing, and <br /> left the muting room as she is an abutter to the subject property/conflict of interest. <br />