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• Mashpee Zoning Hubert Krock <br />Board of Appeals Barry and Janet Krock <br />4 SP -09-01 <br />The neighbors want them removed. Mr. Nelson informs the abutters that the stairs are <br />not involved in the application at present and is not the concern of the ZBA tonight. <br />The ZBA reviews all the testimony and plans. Mr. Nelson informs the Board that <br />he cannot be in favor of a dwelling that contains 30% lot coverage and feels this dwelling <br />would be more detrimental to the neighborhood as proposed. The applicant has not met <br />the criteria for the granting of a special permit and the other members agree. Mr. Nelson <br />makes a motion to deny with prejudice the application for a Special Permit. Jonathan <br />Forbush seconds the motion. All agree. So moved. The Special Permit is denied with <br />prejudice unanimously. This Decision is conditioned on plans submitted by Cape & <br />Islands Engineering, dated October 20, 2008, revised December I, 2008, Plan No. <br />072507 <br />• <br />SPECIAL PERMIT CRITERIA <br />Section 174-17 of the Mashpee Zoning By-laws require that "[c]hanges, <br />extensions or alterations of nonconforming single or two family dwelling structures <br />which do no meet the applicable dimensional requirements as set forth above [in the <br />provisions of § 174-31 ], and changes, extensions or alternations of all other <br />nonconforming structure, or nonconforming uses, may not be made unless there is a <br />written finding by the Board of Appeals that such change, extension or alteration shall <br />not be substantially more detrimental than the existing nonconforming structure or use to <br />the neighborhood and that there is adequate land area to provide sufficient parking and <br />setbacks as may be required." <br />Section 174-24(C) requires that "[a] special permit may be issued only following <br />the procedures specified by the General Laws and may be approved only if it is <br />determined that the proposed use or development is consistent with applicable state and <br />town regulations, statues, bylaws and plans, will not adversely affect public health or <br />safety, will not cause excessive demand on community facilities, will not significantly <br />• <br />decrease surface or groundwater qualify or air quality, will not have a significant adverse <br />