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7. The Applicant proposes that Housing Assistance Corporation shall serve as the <br /> monitoring agent for the proposed project. <br /> II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> i <br /> 1. The proposed project is described on theplans of David Thulin, as revised �s <br /> through February 13, 2003. The Applicant has also submitted architectural plans j <br /> exhibiting a variety of traditional styles, including a"ranch" style that was <br /> included at the Board's request. The plans are hereinafter referred to collectively <br /> as the "Plans." <br /> 2. The property on which the project is proposed is located at 30 Meetinghouse <br /> I <br /> Road and shown on Assessor's Map 36, Parcel 30. The Property contains <br /> approximately 4.2 acres and is presently undeveloped. Meetinghouse Road is ( I <br /> heavily traveled road in Mashpee. The Property contains significant changes in <br /> topography and is within proximity to the Mashpee River. j <br /> 3. The Application, as described in the Plans, is for 12 dwelling units. The dwelling <br /> units are to be offered for purchase rather than rental. Each of the buildings is C; <br /> located on its own lot. Lot areas are approximately 10,000— 15,000 square feet, <br /> although one lot that contains a drainage easement is 28,000 square feet. <br /> 4. Ten of the proposed lots are served by a single dead-end roadway and two of the <br /> lots front directly on Meetinghouse Road and are served by a common driveway. <br /> 5. The Applicant proposes access to public water. Sewerage will be through private <br /> individual Title V soil absorption systems. <br /> I <br /> 6. In addition to the three homes that are to be restricted for sale to households of <br /> I <br /> low or moderate income, the Board and the Applicant have agreed that a fourth <br /> unit shall be restricted for sale to a moderate income household. I' k <br /> i <br /> III. FINDINGS <br /> Ij <br /> 1. Based upon the comments received by the deputy fire chief, the Board finds that <br /> the original dead-end road design did not provide adequate access for emergency <br /> vehicles. Additionally, the originally proposed driveways were to shallow to <br /> provide sufficient parking. The Board finds that the Applicant's revisions to the <br /> Plans have substantially addressed these concerns. <br /> 2. The Applicant has provided a general design of the stormwater management j <br /> system but has yet to provide sufficient information to conduct a thorough and I' <br /> necessary review of the same. The Board finds that such information is necessary <br /> in order to determine the adequacy of the stormwater management system. <br /> 3. The Board finds that the report of Charles Rowley, attached hereto as Exhibit A, i <br /> provides recommendations that should be implemented by the Applicant when <br /> preparing the final plans for construction. I' <br /> 2 ' j' <br />