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Mashpee Zoning Minutes—February 23 2000 3 <br /> Board of Appeals <br /> district with a minimum requirement of two-acre lot size. Mr. Govoni said that the �•'' ' <br /> Zoning Board of Appeals does not have the authority to act on the petitions until Mrs. "► +� ' <br /> Hicks goes back to the Planning Board for subdivision approval and for approval to have <br /> the road paved. Mr. Govoni said that if Hicks Way had been paved,the Board would I r <br /> have the authority to grant Mrs. Hicks three Variances for three buildable lots based on <br /> ;. the 40,000 square lot size minimum requirement. <br /> 'F Mr. Donald Hicks, Mrs. Hicks' brother, had several questions. Mr. Govoni suggested �; f <br /> that Mrs. Hicks hire a lawyer to appear before the Planning Board. Mr. Govoni offered " lp <br /> ` to assist Mrs. Hicks if she has any further questions. Mrs. Marlene Perry, an abutter, said ); ' <br /> she was in favor of the proposal and expressed disappointment that the Board was unable <br /> �. to render a favorable decision. <br /> Mr. Govoni moved to deny without prejudice the petitions for the above-referenced <br /> Variances. Mr. Borgeson seconded. All agreed. <br /> Prime Homes, Inc. —Requests a Variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning By-laws <br /> for permission to vary the sideline setback requirements to allow for construction of a <br /> single-family home on property located in an R-5 zoning district at 17 Snead Drive + " <br /> rA <br /> A (Map 67 Block 49)Mashpee, MA. (Owner of record: Kenneth Marsters, et al Trustee.) <br /> Sitting: Edward M. Govoni' Frederick R. Borgeson and Zella E. Elizenberry. low <br /> I <br /> a <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky of Cape & Islands Engineering represented the applicant who plans r�• <br /> to build a ranch-style home with a two-car garage. The applicant is requesting a two-foot <br /> sideline Variance on both sides of the narrow lot. The applicant is proposing only 18.8% f, !, <br /> r lot coverage, well under the allowed 30% in a cluster subdivision. ,ri; �` •r <br /> Mr. Richard Bolduc, a neighbor, expressed approval of the project. Mr. Dan Marsters, <br /> the builder, also attended the meeting and said he was in favor of the proposal. <br /> Mr. Borgeson moved to grant a Variance of two feet from the sideline setback <br /> requirements on both sides of the lot, subject to criteria: 1, 3, 4 and findings: 4. Ms. r� <br /> Elizenberry seconded. All agreed. <br /> Binh Phu—Requests a Variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning By-laws for I <br /> permission to vary the sideline setback requirements to allow for construction of a it,' •t i <br /> single-family home on property located in an R-5 zoning district at 25 Nobska Road , <br /> (Map 29 Block 102)Mashpee, MA. <br /> Sitting: Edward M. Govoni, Zella E. Elizenberry and Frederick R. Borgeson. <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky of Cape &Islands Engineering represented the applicant and stated <br /> that the four abutting lots are owned by the Town of Mashpee and will not be developed <br /> as part of the open space plan. Mr. Slavinsky stated that the Conservation Commission <br /> heard the petition in 1995. <br /> IM• <br /> r <br />