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02/28/2001 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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02/28/2001 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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E M1 - --- - -1 - - <br /> Mashpee Zoning Minutes—February 29, 2001 2 <br /> Board of Appeals <br /> W.Regan said that he appreciated their concerns, but that the Board cannot change A <br /> zoning and that commercial zoning has been allowed in that area for many decades. <br /> Mr.Ed Belekewicz questioned if only commercial buildings can be constructed within a <br /> E <br /> commercial zone. He said that when his father bought the lot in 1978,there were only <br /> three other homes on the street. <br /> Mr. Regan replied that it would not be a good financial move to construct a residential <br /> home within a commercial zone since a commercial property is so much more valuable <br /> than a residential structure. <br /> Obert Belekewicz stated that their deck looks right onto the subject property. He !' <br /> Mr.R I <br /> expressed a desire to see a site plan in order to determine exactly where on the lot the <br /> proposal would be constructed-and whether or not the Petitioner planned to install any <br /> buffers between the two properties. <br /> Mr. Belekewicz said that he also owns a home in North Attleboro and that his brother <br /> owns a home in Providence, Rhode Island. <br /> Mr. Regan said that the Board would not be able to render a Decision tonight and that the <br /> Petitions would be continued. He said that the Petitioner must complete the Design <br /> Review and Technical Review processes before coming back to the Board. <br /> Mr. Spiros Mitrokostas, a direct abutter, stated that the Petitioner would have several <br /> issues to resolve before coming back to the ZBA. He said that he is in support of <br /> the commercial development and the proposal to combine the two lots in order to <br /> accommodate the proposal. Mr. Mitrokostas said that part of both lots lie in a residential <br /> zone. <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas said that his interest in the project is with Sassacus Road, which is <br /> designated as a paper road. He suggested that the Petitioner should consider using <br /> Algonquin Avenue rather than Sassacus Road as an entrance and exit to the subject <br /> property. Mr. Mitrokostas said that the Petitioner could create a large buffer from the <br /> abutting residential lot. He advised the abutters to be concerned about such things as <br /> lighting and truck traffic created as a result of the commercial lot. <br /> Mr.Mitrokostas said that the original developer, Mr. Henry Labute, intended for the little <br /> lots on Sassacus Road to be residentially developed and for Route 151 to be <br /> commercially developed. This would have created residential lots abutting other <br /> residential lots and not abutting commercial lots. However,this has not happened as <br /> originally planned. <br /> Mr. Regan moved to continue the Petition until April 11, 2001. Mr. Borgeson seconded. <br /> All agreed. The Petitioner must submit site plans that include location of the proposed <br /> buildings and where the line falls on the subject lots between the residential and <br /> commercial zones. ,i <br />
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