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b0h vw y Mashpee IncCusion and�Diversity Committee <br /> ............................_.... ....wwwwww_.._.w_...... �..��..��..._......_..............xa_ <br /> 16 Great Neck Road Morth <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Ms. Stevenson would like to invite some of the folks from her Zumba class at the Senior <br /> Center. Jerusalema was a hit last year and she would like to have dancing this year. <br /> Ms. Hicks stated Wamp Wheels will have a food truck set up for purchase. Polar Cave will be <br /> there with free ice cream. There will also be a food truck with hotdogs for purchase. She got a <br /> list from the town, a lot of venders were not available, and some wanted a commitment for a <br /> certain amount of sales. She is going to look into a pizza truck and follow up with the Chamber. <br /> Mr. Kupferman commented that Cape Cod Coffee will also be providing free coffee. <br /> Ms. Stevenson stated if this creates a lot of buzz she would like to go to the Select Board to <br /> ask for a budget to expand the festival. Our task is to create togetherness and we have the <br /> ability to expand this festival. <br /> Mr. Klein recalled the previous year when they were creating this festival with next to nothing <br /> and what it has evolved into with just a small contribution. We were able to pull it off then, he is <br /> interested to see this year's turn out. <br /> Mr. Kupferman commented that the Select Board will see how the concept has grown <br /> significantly. <br /> Ms. Stevenson informed the Committee the Who We Are project is almost at $3,000. <br /> 3. LCP Participation <br /> Chairwoman stated the kick off workshop did not acknowledge any Tribal lands, buildings, or <br /> historical sites on any of the maps. Something good came out of that, and now there is a <br /> possible workshop going to be held at the Wampanoag Government Center for Tribal <br /> members. <br /> Ms. Hicks attended a meeting several years ago where they used that space. She does think <br /> the Tribe is open to using that space for the right reasons. <br /> 4. Revise Brochure? <br /> Ms. Stevenson stated this Committee is about connecting with one another. The Chamber is <br /> about supporting people and getting people involved. She has noticed a lot of people who are <br /> new to town. She is thinking the Committee needs to revise the brochure. <br /> 4 <br />