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Minutes of Meeting of <br /> Design Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, September 20, 2022 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Mr. Morris asked about the energy output. Mr. Collins said that the output with ISA with <br /> Eversource is a little over 1200 KWEC with an inverter to 499 KWAC. Mr. Collins said <br /> that a small scale operation is anything under 250. Mr. Morris said that this will occupy <br /> more than 40,000 sq. ft. of surface area and considers this a large scale operation. Mr. <br /> Morris asked if they have permission from the airbase. He will need this letter when <br /> applying for the building permit. <br /> Mr. Reali said that the height is under 35 ft. Mr. Reali said that he provided the airbase <br /> with the information, and a letter was provided with the ZBA application. <br /> Ms. Faulkner asked about the storm water management for the property. <br /> Mr. Gaudreau mentioned that the basin locations are adequate for the storm water. His <br /> recommendation would be a vegetative grass strip because there's a lot of open space. <br /> There's a 50 ft. vegetative grass strip. <br /> Mr. Collins said that one of the reasons that the basins are larger is because of the ground <br /> water protection district. He said they need to maintain three feet of separation to ground <br /> water which means the retention area is larger.Atlantic has designed all of those-retention <br /> basins in accordance with the ground water protection district. <br /> There is no proposed signage, but there will be contact information that is needed for the <br /> fire department and directions to shut down the array in case of an emergency. This is <br /> coordinated with the Building Department at the time of the building permit process. They <br /> do not typically put signs on their properties, but if there's a lease with a contractor then <br /> they will schedule a meeting with the Committee. <br /> There will be a tubular gate installed and they will keep the existing boulders on the <br /> property. <br /> Mr. Furbush mentioned that the plans need to be accurate in order for the ZBA to sign off <br /> on the project. <br /> There were no more comments <br /> Mr. Furbush made a motion to approve as presented the solar project at 118 Echo Rd, <br /> NG 118 Echo LLC. <br /> Ms. Faulkner seconded. All were in favor. <br /> 2 <br />