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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />They got a grant from MASS Cultural for $2,500 to be used towards Race Amity Day. She met <br />with the Accountant and the contract to be signed by the Town Manager is in the works. They <br />are built into the Human Services budget and there is a $2000 request for MIDC. <br />Ms. Stevenson reiterated our purpose is to develop outreach and programs for the community <br />and that is hard to do without a proper budget. We got the grant again but what if we didn’t? <br />We have to go out and beg for these funds but it would be nice for the town to financially <br />support the cause. <br /> <br />Follow up – Additional wording in Purpose Statement <br />In January the Committee voted to add ‘belonging’ to the Purpose Statement. She typed up <br />another memo and handed it in this morning and the new Purpose Statement is attached. If <br />you want people to be involved they have to feel like it’s worth it and that they belong and feel <br />heard and respected. <br /> <br />Welcome and Belonging Action Plan <br />She started preliminary work and has been thinking about all the neighborhoods and people <br />being together no matter where they live. She will be getting all HOAs, associations, and <br />complexes and find out what some people do to welcome others into the community. <br /> <br />Follow Up to School Incident <br />Ms. Stevenson stated that Mr. Kupferman mentioned the consultant who came in his column. <br />Mr. Kupferman stated that Dr. Werner was on contract as a consultant before these incidents <br />became public. She held workshops for adults, parents and guardians, and the first one was <br />about how to talk to kids about racism. The second one was about bias and <br />macroaggressions. She is very good. Kids held up signs with phrases or words people have <br />used towards them. The adults talked about how they have heard this stuff their whole life. <br /> <br />Race Amity Day 2023 <br />There are subcommittee meetings every two weeks, and there is a meeting tomorrow. Ms. <br />Kent submitted the permit request and they met with the Town. Everything is good to go, the <br />Select Board will have to formally approve it. It will be approved once it’s all satisfied. The need <br />to approach the Board of Health for food licenses for food trucks and she has to call the Police <br />Department for detail. Community members are also working on this, it’s not just this <br />Committee. <br /> <br />Mr. Brandt asked how many people were on the subcommittee and how many subcommittees <br />there are. Mr. Kupferman answered about 8 people are on the subcommittee for Race Amity <br />Day and that is the sole subcommittee at this time. Mr. Kupferman stated the GroovaLottos are <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />