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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />not available along with several dance groups that have prior commitments. The Tribal <br />members will be in Bermuda. It has been difficult to find entertainment. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Film Options on the Holocaust for Community/School Showings <br />Ms. Stevenson is proposing a program for January 27, 2024, but it depends on funding. The <br />cost is $600. She would like to include students and community members to be held in the <br />auditorium during the evening. More kids will attend if it could be used as credit towards <br />school. <br /> <br />Guest Speaker – Rebecca Hopwood: Veterans United <br />Rebecca Hopwood with the Cape and Islands Outreach for Veterans was sick this week. She <br />will speak at the next meeting. Mr. Kovary is still writing to her. Veteran groups want to get <br />together and do something. <br /> <br />Interview for New Voting Member Rolf Brandt <br />Q. What promoted your interest in the MIDC? <br />A. He commented that Ms. Stevenson goes out and recruits. They know one another through <br />Zumba, being one of the only males who participates, it sparked her interest. He went to Race <br />Amity Day and it was a nice well participated day with poetry and music and even Zumba. She <br />saw his enthusiasm and asked if he wanted to be a part of the Committee. <br /> <br />Q What role do you see the Committee play in the Town? <br />A. He stated it helps people to see and understand other people’s journeys and struggles. He <br />went and saw Who We Are on display at the library and he thought it was a powerful eye <br />opener. He has two daughters that live in town. <br /> <br />Q. What life and work experience can you contribute? <br />A. He came to this country when he was four years old. He didn’t speak English, he came from <br />Germany. At that time there was a little bias towards people from Germany because of the <br />war. It was a little difficult, he spoke German at home but it was a learning curve trying to learn <br />English. He had teachers calling him names or people using terms towards him his whole life. <br />You overcome things as you live and grow and the community he lived in was very diverse <br />with Italians, Irish, Jews, Africans, everyone was well represented. For his occupation he <br />worked as an arborist with a lot of Hispanics, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Mexicans. He <br />then went into a supervisory capacity where he had to hire people and he saw a lot that was <br />eye opening. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />