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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />th <br />Ms. DeBoer commented there will be an unveiling ceremony on June 17 from 10:00a.m.- <br />12:00p.m. at the Community Park for the new War Memorial. <br /> <br />Guest Speaker: Rebecca Hopwood <br />th <br />Her organization, Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Center, is celebrating their 40 <br />anniversary. The program started with Vietnam Vets, how they dealt with the challenges of <br />returning home and they came together and they started support programs for Vietnam <br />veterans. Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Center is a nonprofit, they get money through <br />grants and individual donations. She works very closely with the VA and they have a <br />partnership with agencies that connect other veterans and provide services for Vets. These <br />were veterans who have been left to dry, they went to serve and they come back and don’t <br />know how to get back into their normal lives. After Vietnam it was a very different reintegration. <br />The PACT ACT offers additional services, such as supporting individuals affected by Camp <br />Lejeune, because different locations had different toxicity levels. Some people have stage 4 <br />cancer because they were in certain locations at age 30. <br /> <br />Ms. Hopwood is based in Hyannis. She acts as the Outreach Coordinator for Mashpee, <br />Falmouth, Bourne, and Wareham, and they offer transitional housing for vets. They have some <br />beautiful homes, one in Dennis and one in Hyannis with 6 and 8 bedrooms respectively, and a <br />shared living area. Vets who need a place to live and financially qualify can live there for up to <br />two years. They also have food pantries in Falmouth, Eastham, Wareham, and Hyannis. <br />Falmouth is open every first and third Tuesday and Hyannis is open weekly. They built out a <br />bigger pantry in Hyannis. She was hired in August with 26 veterans receiving food, now there <br />are 200. A lot of veterans have a hard time taking from someone else. Every veteran can come <br />offset some costs and get food, regardless of financial standing. They work with the Greater <br />Boston Food Bank and they get fresh produce from local businesses like Trader Joes, Roche <br />Brothers, and Stop and Shop. They have a large number of senior veterans, the highest <br />concentration in the state. There is no VA hospital here on Cape, just a clinic. Every veteran <br />aged 25-95 has to travel to Providence, West Roxbury, or Jamaica Plain. The VA provides <br />transport if you are 40% disabled. Her program also offers transportation. <br /> <br />Ms. Hopwood told a story about a veteran who was living in black mold and water pooling up in <br />his basement. They were able to help him financially as well as feel more independent in the <br />community while being supported. The big goal is independence. <br /> <br />Ms. Wilson receives a lot of calls from veterans. She asked if there was a waiting list for <br />housing and Ms. Hopwood stated there is a ribbon cutting ceremony for one of the homes and <br />that currently has three people for eight bedrooms. Veterans can call and speak with a case <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />