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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />We are in the second series of Who We Are. There was a reception for the second round of <br />participants at the Public Library. This year, more than one photo was taken to represent each <br />family. Ms. Stevenson got permission to do another formal display at the Senior Center. <br /> <br />She was disappointed that more town government officials and town management did not <br />attend. There were some teachers from the school as well as the families that were honored. <br /> <br />When the Chair was attending the workshops for the Local Comprehensive Plan, there was <br />chatter about better communication across the committees. She spoke with Select Board <br />member Michaela Colombo and it was added to the agenda for a meeting with the Town <br />Manager. She asked Ms. Stevenson if she would speak to the Select Board about this, so she <br />did. <br /> <br />Diversity Day will be in October and Chairwoman will be working with the students. <br /> <br />Women’s Advocacy Day <br />State Senator Susan Moran offered to shuttle a bus of women to the Women’s Advocacy Day. <br />They went to the state house and offices to express support for different legislature. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson heard Governor Maura Healy speak and her leadership team is comprised of <br />women. Everything she spoke about was with a team approach. Title 9 happened in 1972 for <br />more support for women in sports. She turned around and saw Amon and Ayesha. <br /> <br />Amon commented she hadn’t thought about all the laws, they were handed papers that <br />described the laws they were advocating for. She noted it was interesting talking to legislature. <br /> <br />Chairwoman Stevenson stated there have been issues with volunteer committees in terms of <br />process, and it’s being looked into further. This is regarding when two people are running for <br />one position. This policy assumes there will be competition, but there are a lot of vacancies. <br />When we nominate, interview, and recommend a prospective candidate to the Select Board, <br />they are then expected to go before the Select Board for a final interview. Even with no <br />competition, this process is not being followed. They have gotten into a habit of just <br />acknowledging the recommendation and voting. She thinks they should be saying a few words <br />of appreciation for volunteering. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Budget <br />We had $500.00 and it was spent. We will have $2000.00 for next year. The Charter Review <br />meeting is this evening, Chairwoman is going to bring up the fact that MIDC is expected to <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />