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Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />generate programming but no volunteer committees can have a budget. There needs to be a <br />mechanism. Our charge is to provide education and programming and that currently goes <br />through an employee’s department. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein had comments about the Charter, one being that acknowledgement of the <br />Wampanoag’s is not mentioned at all. He would also like Ms. Stevenson to discuss the Land <br />Acknowledgment. <br /> <br />Race Amity Day Festival <br />Mr. Kupferman and Ms. Kent ran an amazing festival. They were thanked for doing all of the <br />hard work, it was something to be proud of. <br /> <br />Ms. Kent was happy, it was her second year, this year they had more involvement with the <br />coalition and other organizations. Everyone was active and present. There was a big turnout. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson thought there was much more attendance with people of color this year. They <br />were from other towns, not just Mashpee. It was really diverse. <br /> <br />Mr. Kupferman stated they are meeting tomorrow night at Cape Cod Coffee to debrief and <br />provide a formal report. It was great and certainly some things will be discussed tomorrow. <br /> <br />Ms. Stevenson noted the report isn’t due until July, and there should be some photos included. <br />th <br />Grants for next year are due June 9. <br /> <br />Holocaust Remembrance <br />A nice couple from Southport want to pay to bring in a speaker sometime in January. <br />Attendance always seems to be a problem, but Chairwoman would like this to be a <br />combination of students and members of the community. Band Together for Inclusion was <br />pushed on Facebook by Marie Blackburn and attendance was low. <br /> <br />Mr. Kupferman noted one challenge with events titled Band Together for Inclusion or Race <br />Amity Day festival, they are not mainstream or popular concepts. We have these events <br />because we have issues. Our attendance was good, but it could have been better, as far as <br />the Town of Mashpee turning out for this event. <br /> <br />Veterans Update <br />Ms. Stevenson got an email from Rebecca thanking the Committee for including her at the last <br />meeting. She left feeling inspired and positive and she is extremely grateful for incredible folks <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />