3. Approval of Previous Meetin's Minutes: Ms. Allen entertained a motion to approve the general
<br /> session minutes of March 9,2023. Ms. Meizinger moved to approve the minutes of the general
<br /> session of March 9,2023, seconded by Ms. LeClair. Motion Carried 5-Ayes, 0-Nays.
<br /> 4. Treasurer's Report, Warrants, Budget Revision, DHCD Contracts: Ms. Conn reviewed the
<br /> financials of January and February 2023.Mashpee Housing Authority reserve levels are at 38.85%,
<br /> slightly above DHCD's requirement of 35%. Extraordinary Maintenance items included: hot
<br /> water heater, unit turnovers, plumbing repairs, additional security cameras and tree removal as
<br /> well as appliance replacements. The MRVP program has a 3%reserve level. The board reviewed
<br /> the warrants of March 2023 with a brief discussion of expenditures. Ms. Meizinger moved to
<br /> approve the March 2023 Warrants,seconded by Ms.LeClair. Motion Carried. 4-Ayes, 1-Nay,
<br /> Mohamad Fand. Mr. Fand discussed his recommendation of adding the words, "accept" and
<br /> "reject"under each commissioner's name so that they may circle their choice before signing. Mr.
<br /> Klein moved to approve adding to the form of the warrant under each Commissioner's name
<br /> approved, disapproved, rejected, seconded by Mr. Fand. Ms. Allen opened the motion for
<br /> discussion, comments included the difficulty of adding boxes, etc. to the page as the data is
<br /> extracted from the software. Mr. Fand explained how Intuit has a report that can be easily set up;
<br /> however, Mashpee Housing Authority converted its software to a new system last year. After all
<br /> board members commented on the proposed format, Ms. Allen called for a vote. Motion
<br /> Rejected. 3-Ayes 2-Nays Roll call vote as follows: Mr. Klein-Aye, Ms. Meizinger-Nay, Ms.
<br /> LeClair-Nay, Mr. Fand-Aye, Ms. Allen-Nay.
<br /> Discussion of Asher's Path Hook-up to Town Sewer: The board agreed to move the sewer
<br /> discussion of Asher's Path Hook-up to Town Sewer to next on the agenda so that Ray Jack, Town
<br /> Engineer could explain the proposed connection. Asher's Path is in Phase I of the sewer
<br /> connection area. The main fitting and connection point have already been installed on Carleton
<br /> Drive. Mr. Jack explained the existing septic system set up at Asher's Path, and there is about 340
<br /> feet run from Asher's existing system to the connection point. The Town procured the plant
<br /> construction under chapter 149. Since Mashpee Housing Authority is a tax-exempt quasi body
<br /> recognized by the state, Mr. Jack and Ms. Conn are exploring the options of connecting Asher's
<br /> Path to the Town Sewer plant under the Town's contract. The cost of the connection will need to
<br /> be reimbursed to the Town by Asher's Path. Mr. Jack will discuss the possibility of this with the
<br /> Town Counsel, and Ms. Conn will discuss this with the Housing Authority's legal counsel. This
<br /> project will be mutually beneficial both to Asher's Path and the Town of Mashpee. Ms. Conn will
<br /> be the liaison between the Town and the Housing Authority in exploring the legalities of
<br /> connecting Asher's Path to the new sewer plant under the Town's contract.
<br /> Treasurer's Report, Warrants, Budget Revision, DHCD Contracts-Continued: Ms. Conn
<br /> reviewed the Budget Revision FYE 6/30/2023 to include the service coordinator grant position,
<br /> after a brief discussion, Ms. LeClair moved to approve the Budget Revision FYE 6/30/2023 to
<br /> add the Service Coordinator Grant, seconded by Ms. Meizinger. Motion Carried. 4-Ayes, 0-
<br /> Nays, I-Abstained-Mohamad Fand. Ms. Conn then reviewed the Amendments to the Management
<br /> Contracts for both Brewster&Mattapoisett. Brewster approved the amendment at their December
<br /> meeting, and Mattapoisett approved the amendment at their January meeting, both budgets have
<br /> been approved by DHCD, and now the amendments are being presented for Mashpee approval.
<br /> Mr. Fand moved to approve the Amendment's as presented seconded by Ms. Meizinger.
<br /> Motion carried. 5-Ayes, O-Nays. Ms. Conn reviewed the Contract for Financial Assistance(CFA)
<br /> 5001 Amendment# 10 in the amount of$833,124.93 as presented,including the following awards:
<br /> 705-1 Breezy Way HILAPP $236,092, 667-1 Frank J. Homeyer Village HILAPP $420,210,
<br /> Formula Funding FY2026 $41,264, Formula Funding FY2025 $41,277, 667-1 Frank J. Homeyer
<br /> Village emergency roof replacement $94,281.93. Ms. Meizinger moved to approve the CFA
<br />