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"Topographic Plan of Land—East Steeple Street at Mashpee Commons" <br /> Mr. Storrs made reference to an easement located at the southern half of the <br /> power line right of way, an area of land that has been cleared "on the rocks parcel", and <br /> the pump station for the wastewater treatment plant. In the event Steeple Street is <br /> continued through the East Steeple Street parcel towards Trout Pond,the water and force <br /> main would be relocated within the(new) street. <br /> References were then made to the East Steeple and Trout Pond parcels. <br /> Mr. Storrs explained that Trout Pond has nearly doubled in size due to emergency <br /> repairs made by the Town of Mashpee/DPW (decreasing the size of the culvert/pipe <br /> causing expansion due to flow restrictions)resulting in essentially a land taking,a change <br /> in hydrology and wetland profile. <br /> References were also made to a road drain off the rotary towards Trout Pond and <br /> use of an old;unsafe road,to the darn. There are a number of monitoring wells in <br /> existence in connection'with the wastewater treatment plant. A hydro-geologic study <br /> indicates that this site is capable of handling in excess of 600,000 gallons per day before <br /> experiencing any concerns to Trout Pond. The-existing wastewater treatment site is <br /> capable of handling double the capacity that is ultimately projected. <br /> Mr. Storrs,described Trout Pond as being a great resource located near the center <br /> of Town and that it would be nice to construct a(unpaved) walking path around the pond <br /> for residents of the Whitings and Jobs Fishing Neighborhoods, as well as Windchime <br /> Point. He further explained that half of the pond is owned by the Trustees of <br /> Reservations. He also expressed a concern for the condition of the dam,suggesting that <br /> at some point this matter be discussed by the Town, Trustees'and Mashpee Commons in <br /> order to avoid any issues of erosion. The pond is so shallow that if the dam breaches, <br /> Trout Pond would simply empty out very quickly,perhaps without anyone's knowledge. <br /> Thomas O'Hara suggested that a determination be made-as part of these <br /> discussions as to responsibility for the maintenance of Trout Pond. <br /> Mr. Storrs also feels that discussion should include the possibility for open space <br /> use,public park land, walking paths;and possible-easement to Trustees. He is not in <br /> favor of building in this area due to the elevation/grades, and road noise factors for <br /> residential. <br /> Dennis Balzarini suggested the question of parking space for public use,be <br /> considered and discussed further. <br /> (Paul Niedwiecki, Cape Cod Commission, left the Planning Board Meeting at this <br /> point.) <br /> 2 <br />