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0 <br /> IMP. IMBO <br /> d"fr,,{ynr,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and'Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Weck RoadWorth <br /> 'Alashyee, AMA 02649 <br /> A packet was distributed to all attendees. Chair is giving homework. The last meeting was <br /> June 18t" and there was no meeting in July. On September 18t"Chair will be going before the <br /> School Committee to go over this. It has been established. She would like to know the <br /> Committee's reaction as well as supplemental items that may want to be brought to their <br /> attention, to work with them on an Article. <br /> Ms. Stevenson invited Marie Blackburn to attend the meeting with the School Committee, as <br /> she is the liaison for the Barnstable County Human Rights Commission. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Input for Upcoming Meeting with School Committee <br /> On July 2nd the Chair requested information from the Town Clerk's Office about Mashpee <br /> Cares. In 2015 this program attempted to be developed in response to the opiate crisis, spear <br /> headed by Mike Richardson. It then turned into a substance use task force, which is not the <br /> same thing the School Committee is trying to approach. There was a place holder Article <br /> submitted. <br /> Chair Stevenson and Dan Kupferman received a letter from the ADL offering support to the <br /> entire community and wanted to connect on July 9t". The letter is included in this evening's <br /> packet along with responses back and forth. Mr. Kupferman's column was in the paper, and <br /> knowing the ADL reached out, he included that. The headline was not created by Mr. <br /> Kupferman, that was The Enterprise. The idea was to extend an invitation, not establishing <br /> their attendance. <br /> It was determined the ADL would not be needed at the August MIDC meeting. They don't <br /> consider themselves in a consulting capacity and they wish to maintain whatever lane they are <br /> serving. This involved issues within the town, and they do not wish to serve a political role. <br /> They would offer a community training and provide the town with a list of community partners. <br /> The ADL is more interested in helping with how a town responds. There is a reporting system. <br /> That leads to her next question: What is our lane? Where do we step in or not? Programs are <br /> already established in the school. There is an educational component, anti-bias trainings, and <br /> relationship building. In a meeting with Ms. Hanscom about the ADL, it exists. There is a No <br /> Place for Hate pledge. <br /> Before she meets with the School Committee, Chair wants to know what role the ADL plays in <br /> the schools. The School Committee is trying to formulate a committee for the town. However, <br /> the ADL cannot provide for the town in the same way, but it is all tied together. <br /> 2 <br />