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IMP. IMBO <br /> d"fr,,{yn,r,fw VhP. <br /> w Mashpee lncCusion and'Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Weck RoadWorth <br /> 'Alashyee, AMA 02649 <br /> The Town Manager attended the meeting in June about a situation regarding the schools and <br /> the town. MIDC was able to give input, but there was nothing we could do, our hands were <br /> tied. <br /> The liaison system sounds good on paper, but is it working? We don't see the representative, <br /> in this case David Weeden, before it was John Cotton. It was stated the liaison gets all the <br /> minutes, even if they don't attend, they can still provide a report. <br /> Ms. Hanscom described a scenario in the school that would require a response protocol. In the <br /> event of something tragic there are emergency protocols that are used to remind us how to <br /> respond. When things happen around DEI areas, there are protocols to follow. <br /> Winnie Johnson-Graham commented that she is a contact for Mr. Weeden, as his idea of a <br /> liaison is different. She follows up with him and if there is an issue to let him know. <br /> Ms. Stevenson knows Select Board members all have things they focus on whether it be water <br /> issues, they all are working on things. Her one request is the liaison be available when there <br /> are interviews for new members. <br /> Carol Sherman called the Chair referencing the proposed article by the school committee, and <br /> the response was sent to the School Committee. She participated in the local plan groups; it <br /> was brought up then that there needs to be more communication between committees. Where <br /> was the communication between MIDC and the School Committee? Ms. Sherman would like to <br /> hold a meeting with committee chairs as an opportunity to work together. <br /> Chair Stevenson reached out to Mike Richardson to touch base about the group he tried to <br /> launch in 2015 that didn't accomplish the original hopes. It turned into substance use <br /> committee and was called Mashpee Cares. Mr. Richardson will gather his notes, and he would <br /> like to be involved. <br /> Mohamad Fand pursued a public records request on August 16t" to publish this ADL letter. <br /> Chair's response to the Town Clerk was there was no meeting held in July where suggested <br /> materials would be presented. She would've hoped Mr. Fand communicated with her before <br /> doing that. <br /> Mr. Kupferman inquired as to why he wouldn't have just asked himself or Chair for the letter. <br /> Mr. Fand stated the why is not so important, but his request could have been answered, it is <br /> his right. To not be argumentative, he was not the first one to seek out the letter. <br /> 4 <br />