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<br /> Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />pamphlet. The purpose statement has been updated to reflect the addition of the word <br />belonging. <br /> <br />Logo Update <br />Aimen Iqbal will send the logo to the Committee and Winnie Johnson-Graham is in the process <br />of getting quotes on the banner/sign. <br /> <br />Report on meeting with School Committee <br />Chair received an apology after the meeting. This meeting was in response to the article the <br />School Committee wanted to propose. The Select Board asked Ms. Stevenson, as Chair of the <br />MIDC, to get together with the School Committee and discuss or help them develop <br />something. Chair brought Marie Blackburn as the representative from the Human Rights <br />Advisory Council. She brought the article, as the task was to have a discussion. <br /> <br />The meeting turned into questioning the purpose of this Committee and what has been done, <br />or not done. All of which was provided to them prior, they were not satisfied with what she was <br />presenting. Ms. Stevenson was trying to explain the development of this Committee and how it <br />got to where it is today, and what happened was not what she was expecting, it was <br />frustrating. <br /> <br />The School Committee wanted the entire Inclusion and Diversity Committee to be present. It <br />was left that the Chair of the School Committee would reach out with some dates so the two <br />committees could join forces to discuss the article. She has not heard back. <br /> <br />Mohamad Fahd commented that this interaction appears as if we are running in circles. <br /> <br />Dan Kupferman would suggest the School Committee attend one of the MIDC meetings. Now <br />we are beyond the task of the Select Board. They can read anything about this Committee on <br />the Town Website. Our task is to get together and write an article for February, that is all. <br /> <br />Gail Wilson mentioned the school may require their own internal process. She would hope the <br />School Committee would have some knowledge about our mission as Patty DeBoer was such <br />an integral representation on this Committee. <br /> <br />Chair handed out the article and asked it be reviewed. <br /> <br />Election of Officers: Chair and Vice Chair <br />Next Meeting. <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />