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<br /> Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Chair Stevenson was unable to attend this year. Ayesha Shafi commented that topics included <br />issues facing administration and how to eliminate bullying in the schools and being more <br />connected with students. During breakout groups mental health was a major topic this year <br />and groups identified ways to help students battle those issues. <br /> <br />Who We Are <br />This project is ongoing. Currently, we are putting together a book using immigrant’s photos, <br />written bios, and a recipe that connects to their nationality. <br /> <br />There are some challenges right now with getting certain permissions to share stories, given <br />the status of the world. There is a lot of pivoting and great work being done. The fact that we <br />are even having this discussion right now is horrifying, and it is directly affecting our families <br />and kids in our schools. <br /> <br />Column <br />Dan Kupferman has retired from the column and ideas are being proposed as this transition is <br />navigated. Chair met with the new editor. Chair was moved by the editorial about love vs. hate. <br />She is also thinking about reaching out to the community and having people include their own <br />stories about how DEI has affected them in a positive way. <br /> <br />Historic Commission Meeting <br />Chair wants to encourage and support this on a number of levels. This is a Garden of <br />Memories, a community archiving project trying to digitize information. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Pamphlet Update <br />Richard Klein and Gail Wilson volunteered to work on this project. <br /> <br />Logo <br />This will require approval from the Town Manager. <br />MOTION: <br />Richard Klein made a motion to accept the logo, design and coloring as <br />presented, to be approved by Town Manager. Hope Hanscom Seconded. All in <br />favor. <br /> <br />There are many departments or groups that host events, Chair would like to see MIDC use this <br />logo and have a table set up at different events. Mohamad Fahd offered to look into different <br />events being held that MIDC could represent with a table. <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />