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MASHPEE LIBRARY COMMISSION <br /> MINUTES <br /> MONDAY, JULY 9 , 1990 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> H. DeFoe stated we had a representative from Cape Cod Copier visit <br /> the library and asked who did the service on our copier, and what <br /> it cost. She will give us a price for a service contract, so that <br /> we can have a comparison. Apparently they are doing other depart- <br /> ments in town as well. <br /> A. Rockwood stated that we have had some discussion of whether we <br /> were going to continue to have the copier under our own control <br /> or give it to the Friends and have them rent a space to put it in <br /> so that the money would not go into the general fund. <br /> Ondrea stated that we were going to discuss that issue with Mr. <br /> Harrington, but he could not attend our meeting tonight. The mes- <br /> sage I received was that he could not make it, and that he would <br /> call us . <br /> B. Friends of the Library: Gloria Selander reported that in ac- <br /> cordance with the statement made at the last meeing, the Friends <br /> of the Library meeting would be held on July 24th at 1 :30 p. M. in <br /> the meeting room and the new president, Mrs . Alma Barron would pre- <br /> side. <br /> G. Selander thanked Ann Tanneyhill for handling all of the treasury <br /> work and the banking from their July 7th book sale. A. Tanneyhill <br /> reported that $175 .25 was taken in on the book sale, the highest <br /> the library book sale has ever taken in. G. Selander stated that <br /> this was one of our best ways to raise money. <br /> C. Oo th Robertson <br /> stated that <br /> she <br /> felt <br /> that <br /> August <br /> would <br /> be a god mon , andhatwe weregoingto need morehardcoverbooks . <br /> IV . CORRESPONDENCE: None <br /> V BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: <br /> Ondrea stated that the only item she had on her list was the collection <br /> assessment program. Helene was asked to bring the meeting up to date <br /> on this matter. Helene reported that we had 11 sections completed; <br /> be still ad 4thrrough the s they <br /> ummer. it w working <br /> Helene' s pinion deadline <br /> wehas <br /> been extendedg <br /> would be finished by October. <br /> A. Rockwood stated that we had previously discussed the perennial dam- <br /> pers . The feeling is , if we keep the dampers closed, we will gain <br /> relatively little by making them automatic, and it would be difficult <br /> and expensive to make them functional. It was his opinion that the <br /> system,. as installed, was hopeless . So, we plan to close the dampers , <br /> and leave them that way, and do nothing more with the automatic system. <br /> Mechanically, it is just not going to work unless it is completely re- <br /> placed with a different type of closing device. it was felt that there <br /> would not be sufficient return to justify the expense, considering that <br /> we would keep the dampers closed all of the time. In this type of build- <br /> ing, it was felt that it was unnecessary to bring in a lot of air. <br />