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r i <br /> Guide Book (attached). <br /> NEWSPAPER ARTICLES <br /> Nelson will bring an article he had seen in a local newspaper written about the <br /> Mashpee E.D.C. to the next meeting for other members to see. <br /> Nelson informed the committee that there was a letter published in the local <br /> newspaper, written by George Morton, one of the partners involved in the proposed <br /> recreations/golf complex, thanking the town for their support of this project and <br /> that he looked forward to being on the fall Warrant. He also thanked the Mashpee <br /> E.D.C. for their support. Tom asked Nelson to bring the newspaper to the next <br /> meeting for the files. <br /> COMMUNICATION <br /> The Committee talked about exploring ways they could improve communication <br /> between the Economic Development Committee and other-committees and boards <br /> in the town. <br /> MINUTES <br /> Tom MOTIONED to accept the Minutes of the April 12 meeting. All favored (3-0) to <br /> accept Minutes as submitted. <br /> VISIT TO C-MAP <br /> Tom updated the Committee on his visit with C-Map, the software company which <br /> i <br /> is looking for a new location. Tom told the committee that he spent two and a half <br /> hours with them, toured their facility, and is doing everything possible to get them <br /> to relocate to Mashpee. They are the second largest users of UPS on the Cape, and <br /> are now located on the Canal in Sagamore until July 31. <br /> 3 <br />