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and towns across the Cape will be following in the weeks ahead. Selectmen in <br /> Brewster, Eastham, Falmouth and Provincetown are scheduled to consider similar <br /> resolutions at their meetings. Dennis and Harwich will likely take up a resolution <br /> also. <br /> From this meeting Sid learned that the council is trying to impress on the boards of <br /> selectmen that they and the town meetings ultimately control whether a tax <br /> abatement will be given. (Attached herewith is information about the economic <br /> designated areas and an article about business and government that Sid provided <br /> the Committee) <br /> The Mashpee Economic Development Committee will be sending a letter to Bob <br /> Whritenaur, with a copy to J. Mills, the Committee's liaison to the Selectmen, <br /> requesting that Mashpee adopt a resolution that supports the council's efforts. <br /> MARCH 22 MINUTES <br /> Sid asked the Board Secretary to provide him with a copy of a corrected copy of the <br /> March 22 Minutes. <br /> WILLOWBEND PHOTO <br /> Sid asked the Board Secretary to return a color photo provided to him by the <br /> administrative assistant at Willowbend golf course, with a note of appreciation for <br /> the use of the photo, which the Committee had considered using in the guide book. <br /> The Committee has decided not to include this photo in the guide book. <br /> GUIDEBOOK <br /> The Committee discussed the title of the guide book and a copy of the final version <br /> of the cover is attached to these Minutes. <br /> The Committee made some corrections and reviewed again the various ideas for <br /> 2 <br />