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"welcome" would be larger and the seal would be smaller. Sid asked about prices -- <br /> if there were no specifications, how can the price be determined now. Tom <br /> explained that the committee has until the fall to create and design the sign, and the <br /> landscaping, with the budget allotted for the project. Once the monies from this <br /> fiscal year are encumbered they can be to drawn for the fall for the planting. <br /> Tom told the committee that Bob Whritenour is working with him to get quotes <br /> and they've called a number of landscapers and sign companies, two in Mashpee, <br /> one in South Yarmouth, and have gotten suggestions from the Beautification <br /> Committee in Mashpee. <br /> Sid asked if the Beautification Committee is appointed by the Mashpee Selectmen or <br /> are they a private group. Jamie told him they are a private group. Sid wanted to <br /> know what authority they have. Jade told him they make suggestions. Jamie said <br /> he would suggest that the gardens not have daffodils. Tom told.Sid the <br /> Beautification Committee consists of volunteers who share their information with <br /> the town. Jamie volunteered to oversee the "welcome" sign and the landscaping <br /> project. <br /> Tom told the committee that the advertisement for the Economic Coordinator <br /> position is being listed in the Mashpee Enterprise in addition to being advertised on <br /> cable, and another applicant (Al Polsi) has submitted a resume. (See letter from Mr. <br /> Polsi attached). Ted asked if there is a job description for this position. Nelson <br /> noted that this position came about at the suggestion of this committee and up until <br /> then there was no job description written. Tom showed the committee the job <br /> description for this position that Bob Whritenour had submitted to the Selectmen. <br /> Ted wanted to know if the EDC would interview the applicants. Tom told him that <br /> the Selectmen make the decision and the EDC can make recommendations. Ted <br /> 3 <br /> t <br />