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i <br /> asked how the committee can make recommendations if they're not involved in <br /> the interviewing process. Tom told him they'd only had one applicant, they looked <br /> at the resume, and thought the person had the right qualifications. The applicant <br /> had also had prior experience working with the Mashpee Town Planner. After <br /> recommending her to the Selectmen she was then interviewed by the Personnel <br /> Board. At that point in the process it was learned that there had not been enough <br /> advertising done; therefore, it needed to be re-advertised. <br /> Ted asked, if he volunteers for this assignment, what would he be required to do <br /> and he wanted to know if this committee has been "charged" to interview <br /> candidates. Tom told Ted that the "point person" would do such things as forward <br /> resumes and paperwork to the Personnel Board and keep track of applications. <br /> Sid mentioned that this EDC committee had said they'd interview candidates for <br /> positions and alternates applying for EDC but this had not not done. Tom told him <br /> the process for salaried positions and volunteer positions is not the same. Nelson <br /> said at one time the committee had thought they might want to interview <br /> applicants for this committee but it had been left open. Ted felt EDC should be part <br /> of the screening process. <br /> Sid wondered if thirty hours a week is enough time to accomplish what will be <br /> requested of the Economic Coordinator. Nelson would like to have the coordinator <br /> attend workshops and conferences in the area. Ted suggested that thirty hours was a <br /> good place to start. Tom asked for a volunteer to oversee this hiring process. Sid <br /> said he'd take responsibility for this and asked if Ted would assist him. Ted agreed <br /> to work with Sid on this. <br /> Tom told the committee that Paul has volunteered to oversee the computer project.. <br /> 4 <br />