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CC Commission Reporter, Vineyard Cruise Announcement, Mashpee <br /> Trolley Brochure, Mentadent Championship Announcement. <br /> Articles were reviewed as follows : <br /> $ Fantus Report results: It would be interesting to get a copy <br /> the Report. John O'Brien would be the contact; Wayne will <br /> follow up. <br /> Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation: A theme concept <br /> was suggested to preserve the quality of life and give Mashpee <br /> a path to follow. Sandwich was cited as a community with <br /> historic preservation in mind. The Indian Museum and Corridor <br /> project and Wildlife Refuge were cited as examples of <br /> Mashpee' s environment preservation. At this time, Peter <br /> Dinizio, Selectmen and EDC Liaison, joined the discussion. <br /> Sharon stated it would be easier if Mashpee established a <br /> yardstick for measuring what we want to do in Mashpee so that <br /> we could make judgments of things as they come in rather than <br /> a new judgement each time. Mr. Dinizio noted that Mashpee <br /> is lacking historic structures (although Town' Hall is a piece <br /> of history) . It was suggested pursuing the Wampanoag heritage <br /> and inviting them to an EDC. meeting. Mr. Dinizio suggested <br /> a pro-active approach and cited Joan Tavares ' s color scheme <br /> input for the Indian room at the new high school . He further <br /> suggested visiting Jim Peters at the Tribal Council (who is <br /> also on the Partnership Committee) and inviting him to work <br /> with us. Wayne offered to help them with their Corridor <br /> application. Sharon suggested getting restricted covenants <br /> and architectural review policies similar to Nantucket, and <br /> Tony Ferragamo was mentioned as a good resource to talk to <br /> about this. It was suggested to add a design review element <br /> to EDC' s policy statement. Mr. Dinizio suggested EDC work <br /> on 2-3 specific items so they can be accomplished. Wayne <br /> cited specifics EDC has accomplished, i .e. Work Program, <br /> Internet Connection, World Wide Web. A sign color code similar <br /> to Stowe, Vermont was suggested and getting support from <br /> Mashpee residents . Tom asked Wayne to contact Stowe and <br /> Nantucket and acquire their sign codes so that EDC can make <br /> a recommendation to the Selectmen for a vote at Town Meeting. <br /> Wayne sent Bob Whritenour a Memo suggesting a meeting with <br /> major players to discuss a signage code. Tom suggested <br /> inviting the Chief of Police and Beautification Committee <br /> to the next meeting. There is a law re: signage that is not <br /> being enforced. Also, signs fall into diferrent categories , <br /> j directional , educational, and also beautification. <br /> i <br /> g Underground utilities Rte 151 , 130 , and 28 : Tom asked how <br /> we can get this for new construction, and Mr. Dinizio stated <br /> this is a Comprehensive Planning issue to be discussed with <br /> Town Planner Tom Fudala. Wayne cited the prohibitive costs <br /> and maintenance problems . Fiber optics was another option <br /> -2- <br />