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MINUTES April 1, 1993 3 - BOARâť‘ OF HEALTH <br /> 7 <br /> Cahir. " "One of the issues discussed was how much additional <br /> funding would be required for facility planning and hydrogeo. <br /> work. " <br /> Mr. Greelish relayed, "The scope of the this study is <br /> the environmental hazard quantification of our landfill" , <br /> (closure plan) . <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned, "Who is mandating the hydrogeo. <br /> study. " <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "D.E.F. . " "They initially <br /> wanted to tie the facility and closure plans together which <br /> would have been an additional $40,000 . 00. " "That money would <br /> have been funded from the $127,000.00 authorized at Town <br /> Meeting. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "The idea was to dovetail the two <br /> studies and be able to use the results. " <br /> "We would probably be stretching it to use the septage plant <br /> other than reimbursement to the Federal government for the <br /> work they are doing now. " "It would be more politically cor- <br /> rect to request additional funding at Town Meeting as we may <br /> be required to pay for the engineering. <br /> Mr. Greelish recommended Board members agree to withhold <br /> expending funds that were appropriated at the 1991 May Town <br /> Meeting, (listed as Article 8) during fiscal year 1994 . <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned whether funds must be <br /> reappropriated. <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "The $100 ,000.00 would not re- <br /> quire reappropriation as the article states funds would be <br /> utilized for facility planning or for any related <br /> activities. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "I propose the Board consider <br /> utilizing those funds for engineering work required for the <br /> amended set of plans that Otis is preparing for the <br /> pretreatment facility. " "I spoke with representatives of the <br /> Finance Committee and learned it would be in the towns best <br /> financial interests not to expend the $100,000.00 in the up- <br /> coming fiscal year budget. " "If we must make a commitment to <br /> fund the Otis project we will ask their consideration in <br /> postponing payment until the following year. " "Funds appro- _ <br /> priated should (then) be directly applied towards Weston & <br />