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MINUTES April 1, 1993 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Sampson's bill , (should be they retained as engineers for the <br /> project) , and then go to bond for the remaining amount. ,, <br /> "This procedure is the most financially beneficial for the <br /> town. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "This Board has not submitted any <br /> articles for the upcoming Annual Town Meeting. " Mr. Greelish <br /> questioned Mr. Scipione as to the status of the hydrogeo. <br /> study. <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "In 1987 the town submitted a <br /> report stating there was some contamination down from the <br /> landfill but the landfill wasn't the source. " "In 1990 we <br /> submitted a report to D.E.P. . " "They reviewed the report and <br /> forwarded their comments. " "In January, 1991 we initiated <br /> negotiations with them. " "In March of 1991 we submitted a <br /> revised scope of work which consisted of addressing their . <br /> concerns." "In February, 1992 D.E.P. forwarded their com- <br /> ments on the scope of work. " "Subsequently, D.E.P. issued <br /> guidance documents and changed the regulations which made <br /> substantial increases in the cost of the project. " "In Sep- <br /> tember, 1992 we revised the scope of work which included our <br /> comments. " "In February, 1993 we received approval for the <br /> modified scope of work. " "We updated the contract of 1991 <br /> and attached the modified work plan, as well as, the D.E.P. <br /> approval letter that gave us the entire "Scope of Work" with <br /> it and we changed the write up of the "Scope of Work" to in- <br /> clude that. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid requested Mr. Scipione to summarize the <br /> "Scope of Work" . <br /> Mr. Scipione presented a detailed plan of the study area <br /> for the Hydrogeologic Investigation and delineated the areas <br /> where additional wells were placed. "This program will bring <br /> the town into compliance with the -closure plan. " "Our budget <br /> was based on utilizing Barnstable County to perform the lab. <br /> work. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The capping plan was approved. " <br /> Mr. Scipione agreed and stated, "The capping plan was <br /> approved in 1989." <br /> Mr. 'Hanlon commented, "That was prior to the implementa- <br /> tion of M.G.L. , 310 C.M.R. 19 . " "The town never implemented <br /> that cap and the State could easily require you to upgrade to <br /> the new regulations. " <br /> o <br /> Mr. Scipione agreed. <br /> M <br />