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4 ti <br /> MINUTES June 3 , 1993 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> the utilities are proposed to go underground. " "The <br /> wastewater is gravity feed down to a pump station and then to <br /> a forced main to a manhole which ties into the Mashpee Com- <br /> mons system. " "Stop & Shops sanitary service comes out of <br /> the western side of the building:" "There will be a <br /> dedicated separate line into a 8,000 gallons per day grease <br /> trap. " "Under our lease with Stop & Shop we are not permit- <br /> ted to construct a food' service establishment within the com- <br /> plex however, we are permitted a 450 square foot coffee <br /> shop. " Mr. Storrs presented a copy of the .minor extension <br /> sewer permit which was submitted to D.E.F. on May 8, ,1993 and <br /> stated, "The wastewater treatment plant has ' an approved <br /> groundwater discharge permit for 39,000 gallons per day. " <br /> "The existing uses within Mashpee Commons are utilizing <br /> 32,640 gallons per day of capacity." "This project generates <br /> 4 ,665 gallons per day which totals 37,882 gallons per day for <br /> both complexes. " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Mr. Storrs whether there is a <br /> discharge permit for a higher amount. <br /> Mr. Storrs responded, "We have approval for a draft <br /> groundwater discharge permit at 120,000 gallons per day." <br /> "We will require Cape Cod Commission and town approval to ex- <br /> pand the plant. " "Our flows presently run in the off season <br /> averaging 7,500 to 8,000 gallons per day to peaks in July and <br /> August of 14,000 to 15,000 gallons per day. " "We anticipate <br /> opening the complex in Spring of 1994. " <br /> Mr. Storrs questioned the Board as to whether water <br /> quality reports have been submitted. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No. " <br /> Mr. Storrs stated he would begin submitting water qual- <br /> ity reports on a quarterly basis. <br /> Mr. Storrs questioned whether M.D.C. catch basins are <br /> required. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Yes, they are a requirement. " <br /> Board members and Health Agents will review plans for <br /> comment at a later date. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Lagoon Closure <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "I was notified by a pumper that they <br /> were denied a second entry into the Barnstable Treatment <br />