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MINUTES June 17 , <br /> 1993 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 6. ) Letter from New 5eabur re: Treatment Plant 1 Ac- <br /> knowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT: C. Peters - Annual "Pow-Wow" <br /> Ms. Peters was in attendance as scheduled. <br /> Mr. Evans informed Ms. Peters that he will schedule a <br /> food service meeting for all new food vendors. <br /> Ms. Peters relayed, "Sixteen food vendors are scheduled <br /> to set-up at the "Pow-Wow" . " "A dumpster will be provided at <br /> the site. " <br /> Board members agreed to permit 16 food stand vendors for <br /> the "Pow-Wow" event, the number of food stand vendor's may be <br /> increased at the Health Agent's discretion. <br /> 7 . ) Letter . from A.P.C.c. re: Pond task Force - Mr. <br /> Greelish recommended the Board request a copy of the data <br /> collected and A.P.C.C. 's interpretation of it. <br /> 8. ) Re uest for "Fiesta Shows" fee waiver - Mr. Evans <br /> stated, "I spoke with the general manager, (Mr. Jean Dean) , <br /> who informed me the fee for the temporary food stand permit <br /> would be deducted from the V.N.A. 's percentage of profits." <br /> "I recommended Mr. Dean request the Board waive the fee re- <br /> quirement-11 <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "The V.N.A. did -inform the Select- <br /> men they would receive 20% of the total profits. " ,I would <br /> recommend this Board question the V.N.A. as to whether. the <br /> 20% includes the food stands or just .theamusements. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to waive the temporary food stand fee <br /> requirement with the stipulation the Visiting Nurses Ass - <br /> ciation verify the percentage of profits also incorporates <br /> food stands, Mr. Greelish seconded, all agreed. <br /> 9. ) D.E.P. meeting invitation 7 12 93 - Board members <br /> agreed Mr. McQuaid should attend the meeting. <br /> 10. ) Waauoit Bay meeting announcement 7 19 93 - Acknowl- <br /> edged. <br /> 11. ) Variance request, 11 Juni er Drive - Mr. Evans relayed, <br /> "The owner is requesting a 21' local variance from the pro- <br /> posed on-site leaching facility to the proposed on-site well <br /> and a 34' local variance from abutting well , (#7 Juniper <br /> Drive) , to the on-site leaching facility. " <br />