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MINUTES January 13 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Discussion took place regarding the human service orga- <br /> nizations which are currently under contractual agreements <br /> with the town and the services they provide to the residents. <br /> Mr. Greelish directed Mr. McQuaid to contact Cape Cod <br /> Human Services and request they attend an upcoming meeting to <br /> discuss their increase request. <br /> 6. ) Budget review meeting 1/18/94 @ 3,•30 p.m. - Mr. Doherty <br /> agreed to attend. <br /> FOR DISCUSSION: Meeting with D.E.P. re: Landfill Classifi- <br /> cation <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Mr. Ball and I met with David <br /> Ellis, a D.E.P. Hydrogeologist and Michael Scipione and <br /> Michael Hanlon from Weston & Sampson. " "In the guidelines <br /> that D.E.P. uses to classify all the landfills the one that <br /> the town failed was the requirement that semiprivate/private <br /> wells are prohibited between 500' feet of the active portion <br /> of a landfill . " "There are two private wells that are within <br /> 50' of the 500' radius requirement. " "One is on Asher's Path <br /> the other is on Papnomet Road. " 1195% of the homes in "High <br /> Sachem Estates" are on town water however, there are 9 or so <br /> that are not. " "Weston & Sampson will be down tomorrow at <br /> which time we will measure from the most recent active area <br /> of the landfill to those homes with private wells which are <br /> located closest to the active area. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "That area was classified by <br /> this Board as a moratorium area. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Once the homes are tied in to pub- <br /> lic water the landfill will be reclassified from a sig- <br /> nificant threat to a potential threat which will give us from <br /> one to three years to cap the landfill. " ""D.E.P. would like <br /> the towns to devise an implementation and financing schedule <br /> for their review. " "They are also requesting we address the <br /> Summerwood wells as they were of the opinion the wells were <br /> being utilized for irrigation purposes and a list of those <br /> residents still on private wells in the Cotuit Corners area. " <br /> "We have approximately two weeks to present D.E.P. will the <br /> information after which they will go to Boston and hopefully <br /> reclassify the landfill . " "'I my opinion there is no need to <br /> appropriate funds at the annual town meeting to cap the land- <br /> fill . " "We will have either one to three or three to seven <br /> years in which to cap the landfill . " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I have prepared a list of those <br /> residents in the High Sachem Estates area which are still on <br /> private wells. " "There are a few homes with children. "' ""I <br /> will consult with the Water District as to whether there are <br />