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MINUTES January 20, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> on April 8 , 1992. " "The system was repaired and inspected <br /> and a certificate of compliance was sent out on April 9 , <br /> 1992 . " "On December 21st, after having approved a septic <br /> plan on an abutting lot, it became evident a leaching pit on <br /> Ms. Saunders property may well not have been on her <br /> property. " "I did inspect the property with Mr. DiMaggio and <br /> Ms. Saunders. " "We found the bounds to the property and in <br /> our opinion it became evident it was not on Ms. Saunders <br /> property it was located on the abutter's property which in- <br /> terfered with the installation of his septic system. " "A <br /> letter went out certified December 21st indicating that she <br /> would either have to provide a surveyed plan of her property <br /> showing that either the pit is on her property or not and if <br /> not she would be given 14 days to contact an installer to re- <br /> locate the pit. " "Ms. Saunders did not reply to the letter. " <br /> "On January 7 , 1994 we asked Ms. Saunders to appear before <br /> this Board. " <br /> Mr. Bail questioned Mr. McQuaid as to whether there are <br /> plans on file. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No. " "The abutters engineered <br /> plans for the proposed location of the pit were approved. " <br /> "During the installation of the system it was discovered Ms. <br /> Saunders leaching pit was on the abutters property. " <br /> Mr. Fitzpatrick stated, "My engineer has surveyed the <br /> lot three times. " <br /> Mr. Greelish informed Ms. Saunders, "Your system is not <br /> located on your lot. " "By law it is required to be located <br /> on your lot. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid presented a copy of Mr. Fitzpatrick's engi- <br /> neered plans and commented, 113/4 or more of Ms. Saunders <br /> leach pit is located onto Mr. Fitzpatrick's property. " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Ms. Saunders as to whether she <br /> has made any arrangements to have her system relocated. <br /> Ms. Saunders responded, "No. " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Ms. Saunders as to whether she <br /> has formulated any plans to handle the problem. <br /> Ms. Saunders responded, "No. " <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Ms. Saunders as to whether she <br /> understands that this Board is mandated by law to condemn a <br /> system that does not conform. "There is no way that the sys- <br /> tem can remain in its present location. " "Essentially, it is <br /> not on your contiguous lot, which is the requirement of the <br />