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i <br /> MINUTES January 20, 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> law, so it must be relocated. " "We would like to allow you <br /> as much latitude as possible to get it square away but we do <br /> not have the legal authority to do so. " "You have two prob- <br /> lems on your hands, one being a potential civil suit from <br /> your abutter and the other is the condemnation of your system <br /> by this Board. " "You would be left without a septic system <br /> which means your home would no longer be livable by law. " <br /> "It is a fairly serious matter. " <br /> Ms. Saunders stated, "My septic leaching pit was at its <br /> present location when my husband and I first purchased our <br /> home in 1970. " "The house was built in accordance with a <br /> permit from the Mashpee Board of Health and Building Depart- <br /> ment in 1967. " "The house and septic were legal when they <br /> were installed and I have done nothing to make it illegal <br /> personally. " "A 1992 plan prepared by Joe DiMaggio and the <br /> work done by DiMaggio showed that the leaching pit is 10' <br /> from the property line. " "I don't believe that Mr. DiMaggio <br /> would violate the Board of Health regulations when he applied <br /> for a permit to repair the system. " "His work was done in <br /> accordance with a Board of Health permit because a health <br /> agent came to my property, prior to his doing the work, dur- <br /> ing the that time it was done and upon completion inspected <br /> it. " "I have enough land around my house to put in a system <br /> but I do not believe I have done anything wrong. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "I don't believe you have either <br /> but the problem is somebody made a mistake along the line way <br /> back when. " "Unfortunately, the installer essentially re- <br /> paired it in place." "He is not a surveyor, we do not re- <br /> quire him to be a surveyor. " "He did a system repair under a <br /> special certification capability we have under State law. " <br /> "Our Agents are not surveyors and they do not, as a normal <br /> course of their duties, do surveying. " "The original indi- <br /> vidual who laid out the lot and laid out the location for the <br /> system is the one that was responsible. " "That was a long <br /> time ago and their is no recourse for it legally or any other <br /> way. " "Now your neighbor who wants to put in his system <br /> finds that your system is on his land. " "He has the legal <br /> right to have you remove it. " <br /> Mr. Ball explained to Ms. Saunders that the abutter has <br /> no alternative area in which to place his leaching facility <br /> due to its close proximity to his well . <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "Ms. Saunders may require a vari- <br /> ance from the relocated leach pit to her well. " <br /> Mr. Greelish informed Ms. Saunders that the Board would <br /> like to hear a suggested timetable as to how she will remedy <br /> the situation. <br />