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MINUTES February 17 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> facts and strongly advising you to hook into town water." "I <br /> would also add that the cost of the electricity to pumping <br /> well water versus the cost of the water from the Water De- <br /> partment, in my opinion, the Water Department is more finan- <br /> cially feasible. " <br /> Ms. Bingham commented, "Five years down the road the wa- <br /> ter district's bill may be doubled. " <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "There is not way to ensure that <br /> your well will continue to provide safe drinking water." <br /> Mr. Johnson questioned whether their private well could <br /> be utilized for irrigation purposes. <br /> Mr. Doherty explained how v.o.c's can be absorbed <br /> through the skin and dissipates into the air. <br /> Ms. Johnson stated, "Our concern is financial. " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "In my opinion, I would like this Board <br /> to have a joint meeting with the Selectmen and the Water Dis- <br /> trict to discuss financial aid as we did for the Briarwood <br /> residents. " "This is a situation which was created by the <br /> town. " <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "This Board will contact High Sa- <br /> chem Estates residents in the near future to inform them of <br /> the meetings' outcome. " <br /> Board members acknowledged receiving a letter from the <br /> law offices of David J. Palmer regarding High Sachem Estates <br /> residents Catherine and Arnold James. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Don Chamberlain - Cape Cod Human Services <br /> Mr. Chamberlain was in attendance for this scheduled ap- <br /> pointment. <br /> Mr. Doherty explained to Mr. Chamberlain the town's fi- <br /> nancial constraints over the past few years. <br /> Mr. Greelish questioned Mr. McQuaid as to the level of <br /> referrals the office receives. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "In most instances the caller is <br /> referred to the V.N.A. who receives copies of all the human <br /> service agency contracts and is best qualified to determine <br /> the agency the individual should be referred to. <br />