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MINUTES February 24 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend we forward a let- <br /> ter to complainant informing him that the gate attendant has <br /> been an employee for seven or eight years and this is the <br /> first complaint we have received. " "Perhaps he could have <br /> been more tactful but nonetheless he was doing his job." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Michael Mirto -- Leaf Composting <br /> Mr. Mirto was in attendance for this scheduled appoint- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. Mirto stated, "I am a agricultural farmer in Mashpee <br /> and would like to build my soil to grow food for myself. " "I <br /> am clearing the land and would like to do it on a controlled <br /> basis. " "I don't want grass clippings because of the <br /> fertilizer's. " <br /> Mr. Greelish informed Mr. Musto that the current compos- <br /> ing program is a mixture of leaves and grass clippings. <br /> Mr. Mirto relayed, "I would like to advertise for leave <br /> clippings. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "I would agree to leaf <br /> composting for agricultural purposes. " <br /> Mr. Mirto questioned the Board as to whether they have <br /> any suggestions. " <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Mirto as to whether he is inter- <br /> ested in the composting material. <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended Mr. Mirto contact landscapers <br /> and commented, "We do pay for the screening however, you <br /> could take a few truckloads out prior to the screening." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Mirto as to whether he is inter- <br /> ested in taking a whole windrow. <br /> Mr. Mirto commented, "From what I see you are not turn- <br /> ing it over quick enough. " "I would agree to get involved to <br /> speed that process up. " "Can I come into the landfill and <br /> take pickup loads at a time but not just one or two." "I <br /> would hand load it." "I personally feel it's wrong to take <br /> it after it's screened. " "i would like to be able to go in <br /> there now with a pickup and take two or three truck loads a <br /> week until May or until it is screened. " <br /> Board members agreed to Mr. Mirto's request. <br />