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05/05/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/05/1994 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 5 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> water supply approval from D.E.P. ." "Mr. Grassetti is <br /> present this evening to discuss these issues. " <br /> Mr. Grassetti relayed, "The Scofield's letter is accu- <br /> rate. " "There is a not a burm on the road however, one is <br /> proposed in the near future. " "I maintain that once the burm <br /> is installed and the water is being held on the road bed and <br /> put in at the design level into the pipe that it will redi- <br /> rect the water off the Scofield property. " "We are also go- <br /> ing to install an overflow pipe. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Grassetti as to when the job <br /> will be completed. <br /> Mr. Grassetti responded, "Within a 30 to 60 day period. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I do not see how this burm is <br /> going to lessen the flow. " <br /> Mr. Grassetti responded, "The burro will contain the wa- <br /> ter and keeps it flowing out at a moderate level. " "The vol- <br /> ume of water will eventually be the same but it is not all <br /> flooding back into the Scofield property. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Grassetti as to whether the <br /> extension has been approved by the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Grassetti responded, "No." <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Grassetti the Board will for- <br /> ward a letter of support to the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Grassetti stated, "The pumping problem at the <br /> project is not one of an interim nature. " "The pump cham- <br /> bers, the pumps and the system that we are talking about is <br /> in fact the permanent collection system for a treatment fa- <br /> cility which will become operational upon a certain number of <br /> occupied dwellings. " "There are two pumps and 20,000 tanks <br /> in place of which all have functioned unremarkedly for a pe- <br /> riod of 4 years now. " "In one chamber there are two 5 1/2 <br /> horse power pumps in the other chamber there are two 7 1/2 <br /> horse power pumps." "They were designed to alternate with <br /> flow. " "The town and State certified that the alarms were <br /> functioning properly. " "Our engineers indicated that in one <br /> case there was hardly enough flow to keep the pump on for <br /> longer than 30 seconds. " "As a result one of the pumps <br /> burned out. " "Nothing happened because the flows were so low <br /> that they never got high enough to activate the float so we <br /> never knew the pump had burned out." "The pump has been <br /> taken out and repaired. " "The other pump, basically the same <br /> thing happened. " "They have both been fully repaired and <br /> they should be installed next week." <br />
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