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MINUTES May 26 , 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Aldridge as to whether a health <br /> agent certified it in failure. <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "I inspected the system and found <br /> it to be in failure. " <br /> Mr. Aldridge stated, "There should be a contact 24 hours <br /> a day 7 days a week for emergencies. " "The people who live <br /> in the trailer have moved out. " "I believe by the Attorney <br /> General's rules the owners of the trailer park have not pro- <br /> vided them with a livable place. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Although this Board is trying to <br /> handle this matter in a thorough fashion it is my opinion <br /> that this Board take some kind of action. " "I would recom- <br /> mend we immediately suspend the trailer park license which <br /> would prohibit any future occupancy permits. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I believe we are moving as fast <br /> as we can. " "As far as the septic systems go I was not aware <br /> of any problems until yesterday when an installer came in an <br /> informed me the manager was after him to repair the septic <br /> system for trailer #2." "We do not have any excess pumping <br /> records to indicate it is in failure. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "#2 trailer I witnessed is in fail- <br /> ure. " <br /> i <br /> i <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "In my opinion, we can deal with <br /> the emergency septic failures as we have in the past. " <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "At this time it seems the only way <br /> we can get Mr. Haney to comply to our requirements is to fine <br /> him. " "I would recommend we direct the Agent to request an <br /> opinion from Town Counsel as to what the ramifications would <br /> be if we suspend the trailer park license and how it will af- <br /> fect the park residents. " "Our intent is to suspend any new <br /> renters or any new businesses coming into the park until Mr. <br /> Haney complies with what this Board has requested. " <br /> Mr. Ball directed the agent to request an opinion from <br /> Town Counsel as to what consequences would result from this <br /> Board revoking the trailer park license. <br /> 6. ) Draft town vehicle use policy - Mr. McQuaid stated, <br /> "Under law, my use of the town vehicle in commuting to and <br /> from work is a taxable benefit. " "I would recommend this <br /> Board forward a memo against the proposal . " <br /> Board members agreed. <br />