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r „ <br /> MINUTES June 23 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Gallant stated, "We were unaware the temporary food <br /> stand permit fees were so high. " "In order to pay the fee it <br /> would come from the net profit which we turn around and give <br /> to the nonprofit organization which this year is the Cape Cod <br /> Center for Performing Arts. " <br /> I <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The normal fee for food operations <br /> at the carnival totals $600 .00. 11 <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The carnivals require daily in- <br /> spections which is why the food stand fee was set at $25.00 <br /> per day. " "Does the Board wish to reconsider the $25.00 per <br /> day per stand fee. " "Ms. Gallant is present this evening to <br /> relay that some of the profits will go to the Cap Cod Center <br /> for the Performing Arts and the Community Concert Committee. " <br /> Ms. Gallant stated, "Although this is not the V.N.A. we <br /> do get a percentage of what they make. " "All expenses are <br /> taken out of the net and we are given a percentage of that" <br /> "The Performing Arts Center is going to be located in <br /> Mashpee. "" <br /> Mr. Ball questioned whether other fees are required in <br /> town. <br /> Mr. Gallant responded, "The building inspector's office, <br /> fire department and police department all require fees. " <br /> Mr. Thompson stated, "Anything removed from potential <br /> profits from a benefit like this will impact us in one way or <br /> another. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Ms. Gallant as to how much money <br /> was raised last year after expenses and donated to the <br /> V.N.A. - <br /> Mr. Gallant responded, 11$4 ,500.00. 1" <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "We should set a maximum on tem- <br /> porary food stand fees. " <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to set the maximum fee of $300.00. No <br /> second was motioned. Motion failed. <br /> Discussion took place regarding fees. <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to set the food stand fee of $200.00 <br /> for all four food stands with the stipulation the Cape Cod <br /> Center for the Performing Arts forward a financial statement <br /> indicating their share of the profits, Mr. Ball seconded. <br />